Berberine improves negative symptoms and cognitive function in patients with chronic schizophrenia via anti-inflammatory effect: a randomized clinical trial

Please read the webmd page for a long list of med interactions.


I’ve ordered some. Even though it appears to interact with Abilify :roll_eyes:


Hi. How much have you ordered and from where? What dose will you take ?


I ordered it from the iherb link I posted above. I’ll take 500mg (1 pill) a day and see how it goes.


I will also try it. I take clozapine and I hope it doesn’t interact with it.

Best regards.


Read the interactions section here

To make sure it doesn’t interact with any other meds you’re taking.

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My dad takes this for his type 2 diabetes, it helps lower blood sugar.


Vastly different molecules but still

Studies have indicated that, similarly to metformin, berberine executes its functions by regulating a variety of effectors including AMPK, MAPK, PKC, PPARα, PPARγ

I think Minocycline show the most promise as far as I looked into anti-inflammatories last but that was really a couple of year back and in conclusive.

Celecoxib is a cox-2 inhibitor, so it is possible that cox-2 inhibitors have some minor effects.

I skimmed the paper and metformin also effects IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α markers. Only thing that doesn’t make sense to me as why they wouldn’t use metformin or something else is that it’s in the journal of Chinese medicine. Still interesting.

I would be interested to see if they measured the effects on weight as like if you lost weight then you could see and effect in negative symptoms. I.e. generally health improvement probably also impact negative symptoms. Really you would need to control for the marginal weight loss to see if it was the antiinflammatory having an effect.

It is possible that berberine blunts exercise adaptation.

If there was a paper on the same for metformin then that would be neat. You’d think since it is extensive used in scz for weight if they effect similar health parameters they might have picked up the effect in the literature on metformin also.


Not ordering Anything … Saving Money For CBD …Kudos … :grinning: :smile: :laughing: :grinning:

Sorry …


I may try berberine if I can find a sale. My supplements are already costly.


Interesting. Added to the list to speak to my cardiologist about.


Good luck! 1515151515


Interested to know what you are taking @robertc
Do you mind sharing your list?

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In my country I can buy berberine online at home. The price is quite cheap, 32 dollars. It is a dietary supplement. There are 60 capsules of 400 mg each.


I take NAC, coq10, acetyl l carnitine, fish oil, vitamin d, c, k-2,magnesium, 1/6 of b-50,probiotic, lutein, palmitoylethanolamide. I am 75 years old. Not all for mental health.
If I took berberine twice a day, it might add up. I usually order from swanson vitamins.

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Yeah I was also cutting my B vitamins.

I was just double checking is alcar was adjunctive and found the following if you didn’t already know. Many case reports of it inducing psychosis.

Also alcar metabolism is altered by antipsychotics, so many things going on here with this one.

Additionally they say to take it with garlic if you use oral due to concerns regarding TMAO


Thanks for the info regarding alcar. I will consider dropping it although I have been ok on it.


@jeroenp … 151515

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Well, I just took my first pill. It’s supposed to interact with Abilify so I’ll keep a close eye on things. says to take it at the same time as Metformin otherwise it interacts with that too. So I’ve done that.



Are you already taking Metformin??

I saw this and thought I would add it to the discussion. Since depression can be related to insulin signalling, normalising insulin signalling might improve depression and by conjunction negative symptoms. Schizophrenics are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes due to negative symptoms and the effects of medication. It says that the MOA is antiinflammatory but entirely possible you might not see the effects in scz with normalised blood glucose and BMI. At the very least you need to equate these effects, the control in this experiment is out of control IMO. Still if confirmed due to the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes risk in scz the results and use of Berberine probably still generalise. Still I personally probably wouldn’t encourage people to take this unless they were already avoiding intense forms of exercise and or their BMI was abnormal.

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