I was taking them daily and my pdoc wants to taper the dose. Ever since I started that journey I experience anxiety at levels that it interferes with my life.
I took an extra benzo today and I’m feeling alright now.
Should I just accept that I need them and stop this tapering process? How do you feel about benzos?
I was originally on 5 mg Tranxene because I was experiencing tension issues when I started a Masters. Now that I’ve quit those studies several months ago she feels like I don’t need them anymore.
But I’m experiencing a lot of withdrawals and feel like I can’t go without them anymore.
I was on 0.5mg a day of clonazepam, and got horrible withdrawals. The way I eventually came if it was by slowly increasing the amount of days between taking it.
At the beginning I would take it every other day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days for two weeks, etc.
I take PRN Klonopin, only up to 0.5mg but sometimes they zap all my energy.
I took one 0.5mg tablet yesterday and I passed out at night.
I find them to be very sedating.
I’m on Clonazepam (Klonopin) too.
I been taking 0.5mg a day for years.
Only thing is, if I miss a dose, I feel it right away. Dizziness, lightheadedness, panic in general. I tried once to go off it cold turkey, without pdoc supervision, and that did not work out well. After 48 hours , the withdrawal symptoms were extremely bad.
I just wish I knew more about benzodiazepines at the time. I wouldn’t have started them.
I too am planning of tampering off it in near future.
Good luck
I had a gran mal because I stopped xanax for a day. I wasn’t taking oodles of it either…probaby 2-4 mgs a day on the 1 mg pills. Woke up in the back of an ambulance which was pretty bloody freaky.
I took either .5 mg or 1 mg every day for about 22 years. My present psychiatrist worked with me to taper off it slowly. I took my last partial dose in April. It’s been an adjustment. I feel to be doing okay now.