Benzo Discussion

What do you think about benzos?

I was taking them daily and my pdoc wants to taper the dose. Ever since I started that journey I experience anxiety at levels that it interferes with my life.

I took an extra benzo today and I’m feeling alright now.

Should I just accept that I need them and stop this tapering process? How do you feel about benzos?


I like them. I take 1.5mg of Klonopin a day. :dog::dog::dog:


I take them very rarely
because i know they’re addictive
and build tolerance and one needs higher
& higher doses


I was doing fine on the same dose for months. I didn’t experience tolerance.

I do experience withdrawals!


I can take up to 2mg of klonopin a day.

It’s a pretty high dose.

I only take three.

Sometimes even two.

I don’t like that if I don’t take them I have withdrawal.

I know I’ll have to get off of them completely at some point,

But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I’d ask to go back on your original dose or try tapering by less.


Follow up question:

Why did your doctor want to taper you off and how much were you taking?


I was taking 0.5mg clonazepam a day for a year. I had a terrible time coming off it.

Now when I get anxiety I take L-theanine or broccoli sprout extract or as a last resort beta alanine. They work wonders for anxiety for me.

I’m glad I’m off benzos though.


I was originally on 5 mg Tranxene because I was experiencing tension issues when I started a Masters. Now that I’ve quit those studies several months ago she feels like I don’t need them anymore.

But I’m experiencing a lot of withdrawals and feel like I can’t go without them anymore.

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Here’s a post I made earlier :

I was on 0.5mg a day of clonazepam, and got horrible withdrawals. The way I eventually came if it was by slowly increasing the amount of days between taking it.

At the beginning I would take it every other day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days for two weeks, etc.

Doing it very slowly was the key.

Good luck coming off it.

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I take PRN Klonopin, only up to 0.5mg but sometimes they zap all my energy.
I took one 0.5mg tablet yesterday and I passed out at night.
I find them to be very sedating.


I used to take them in college they definitely help with anxiety but they also I think lead to certain degree of dependency

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Klonopin never did anything for me. I didn’t feel more relaxed or anything.

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It was really hard to get off klonopin


Take clonazepam as prn. 0.25 makes me sleepy. Have to sleep on higher doses. Avoid taking it.

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An old pdoc i had was giving me
2.5mg ativan (here Tavor)×3 times a day.
I changed pdoc fortunately

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I’m on Clonazepam (Klonopin) too.
I been taking 0.5mg a day for years.
Only thing is, if I miss a dose, I feel it right away. Dizziness, lightheadedness, panic in general. I tried once to go off it cold turkey, without pdoc supervision, and that did not work out well. After 48 hours , the withdrawal symptoms were extremely bad.

I just wish I knew more about benzodiazepines at the time. I wouldn’t have started them.

I too am planning of tampering off it in near future.
Good luck

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They flat-out won’t prescribe them here at our clinic.

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That’s good of them!
Where you from?

I think it should only be prescribed very short term
Only for people going through extreme anxiety and no other SSRIs etc work

I’m on it for about 10 years. This won’t be easy ! :flushed:

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I had a gran mal because I stopped xanax for a day. I wasn’t taking oodles of it either…probaby 2-4 mgs a day on the 1 mg pills. Woke up in the back of an ambulance which was pretty bloody freaky.

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I took either .5 mg or 1 mg every day for about 22 years. My present psychiatrist worked with me to taper off it slowly. I took my last partial dose in April. It’s been an adjustment. I feel to be doing okay now.