Sorry @SacredNeigh7, but you usually write very long posts, too long for those of us with difficulty concentrating, such as myself. I have nothing against you personally, I just get overwhelmed when I see a huge amount of text.
It’s unusual for me to read a huge post because I just can’t take it in and trying to read it can make me sick because it’s too much input or something
My family are all interstate or overseas which makes such bad behaviour to me even worse…
I can’t afford a motel or I could for a few days but it would be very tight with money for groceries etc
Finding a place to hire can be difficult for me too.
I don’t understand beauacrasy
It would have to be long time lease and not someone wanting to sell there house cause then they kick you out as soon as it’s sold.
I can not travel interstate at this point in time for longer period cause my neigh is here.
My father can not stand me for longer periods
I don’t want my parents bossing me about either.
But welcome their advise and opinion.
It might be to cold and hot in this state to live in my car.
I don’t know who to turn to because my parents can’t take my long blabbering emails
I am everything they did not want
My brothers and sister is everything they wanted
Maybe they do not like the breeding mix of my parents combined
I am their only child of that “mix”
My father gets angry and impatient and they are both in denial
My other woman who’ raised me and helps me might understand in a way they don’t but I might be wrong about that.
Even if my parents are disappointed in me I am proud of me for all the little things I do
And for who n all I am
If you do decide to leave, I hope it’s just a break and you return after you’ve rested. We can be a drain with all our problems that is true. I try to brush it off and sometimes purposely post a more positive thread. Even if it’s just a comment on the weather. Anyway, don’t be gone for long. We would miss you.
What exactly makes you feel excluded? Maybe you’re reading things wrong. I see a lot of your posts and I read them and you’re no weirder than anyone else here ( I guess that’s kind of a back-handed compliment). I don’t see you making personal attacks on anybody or causing trouble so you should feel free to stay and write whatever you feel like. You have as much right to be here as anyone else. I’m sorry about your home life, I hope you find a solution to your current problems. You belong here (if you want to), no ones excluding you.