Believing you're grandiose makes you paranoid

Because if you’re grandiose you’re worried about your legacy. Which makes you worried about every move you make. Not wanting to ruin your legacy. And if you’re a sensitive schizophrenic like me you’re a “people pleaser” and afraid to offend certain people with certain remarks. I can’t make fun of people anymore (not that I ever much made fun of people in the first place but anyways) because I’m afraid they can make fun of me back. Because I’m sensitive in that manner. Can anyone relate who has grandiose delusions? You would think grandiosity would make you not give a ****, but in a schizophrenics case it just makes you more paranoid because you’re too concerned about doing everything the right way and not screwing up your “legacy”. Am I making sense?

If only I never believed I was Jesus, my life would have way much less paranoia because I wouldn’t think people are watching me every second…although I probably thought people were watching me anyways, but not to the same extent. Peace :wink:


I’m a people pleaser too. I agree it is much better to be humble. Being grandiose is masking a deep insecurity IMO. I spose we all do it but its better to check yourself before you reck yourself.

Also,grandiose ideas are typical for narcisstic personality disorder. Origins are usually in an early childhood
i have a cousin with very clear indications of grandiosity and after her parents marriage had crushed she was left by her father
As long as i know her she was trying to fullfil that hole.

Yes, I thought the fate of the world was my responsibility and was terribly fearful that I would fail. Like the butterfly effect.


I’m thinking more on the line of grandiose delusions more than grandiose personality disorders. Like thinking you’re the messiah because your name starts with J, you’re half jewish, you were a miracle baby, and you got selected as “the chosen one” on your ncaa tournament bracket when you picked kentucky to win it all in 2012. And all other sort of strange coincidences that caused you to think you’re Jesus.

Albeit there is some narcissism involved, but a person with SZ tends to grasp at any straws in life they could find, as they don’t have much else. That’s how I feel.


Yeah stuff like this. I had similar thoughts. Although I always thought God had my back, I still thought I had to control my destiny.

My voices had me going saying that I was a maniacal princess,


this is how paranoid schizophrenia works I’m a psych major

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Being a people pleaser isn’t the same as a grandiose delusion…my grandiose delusions weren’t connected to that at all. They involved me being super important in some way. Other people didn’t matter as much.


In general,thats what i had on my mind. Believing that you are important in some way. It doesnt have to be religiosly. For instance, my cousin thinks that she is extraordinary smart,talented AND pretty and that God loves her for that. Also she speaks about some huge projects,science papers etc that she will show to “everyone” :grimacing:

the voices tried this one on more than one occasion. they still do but i’m wise to it now. i have no self importance because i refuse to believe their crap anymore. free energy blah blah blah wtf!! it’s ■■■■■■■■ from start to finish. all that is true is a rape a horrible nasty probably planned rape of a child. me, to be frank. the voices were born out of sexual, psychological and physical abuse as were the first delusions but i don’t believe in them anymore. it’s shite. though it took me a long time to get to this stage as hey kept on coming back for more. still do on occasion…but i’ll never fall for their crap again. :slight_smile:

It might work the other way around as well: if everyone is after you there must be something special about you…

You have to be pretty important for people to be out to get you. It’s better than being insignifigant. That really hurts.

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You mean megalomaniac a person who has an elevated sense of worth or importance I’m going to be incorporating this concept into my writing about the image of a person for instance one of my fave writers Scott Fitzgerald would say when offended don’t you know who I am I am Scott Fitzgerald. The image of a man often is a terrible nagging pride.

I have this idea I am a duke. It took me several years to convince myself of this. At first I refused to believe it. I mean it was one of those nagging voices that you don’t want. Why would I be a duke? After trying to reason myself out of this for several years, I finally gave in. Now I have this idea I am a duke for sure. Also I made up hundreds of different dukes’ names over that time. I can always fall back on the “Duke of Earl”.
Also, I think I am smarter and better than everybody else.
I don’t believe paranoia follows on Megalomania. It might accompany it.

I try to please everyone and be perfect all the time! Like I am not a person, but a please machine or a machine that has to be perfect all the time! Really it’s like making drama all the time and can’t be myself. We are humans, too, but I can’t accept my mistakes neither do the others, because I already have a big “mistake”: the illness! That is how I feel. We are less forgiven than the others. :angry:

yes. i was like that. i know what you are talking about. i use to think that when i walked in a room or Down the streets, the Whole country would think, there he is, they just knew, i was the reason the country was doing so god, and now they finaly se me and they can like get more or inteligent like me, but it would depend what they learn. when i was getting weaker and weaker i stayed in for weeks and months only shopping by night, because i thought that i will ruin the world and People would be sad and they would destroy themself in sadness and anger and shame over what i have become. when i was at my weakest and had to move outside in the light. i was so sure People knew ewrything my Whole ■■■■■■■ life story, that i had made up in my mind. this could have been a god story if i could Wright ewrything that has happen, i think it would be good enough.

i can relate to People pleaser to. but i dont show it much. its more like what i am thinking and i feel like if i think negativ People can somehow pic it up and the day can get bad, i think ewrybody is like that in some way, thats what i think now. but maybe one day i will give a ■■■■ in absolutely ewrythink, dunno yet. im just a simple man im not a doctor or scientist, im just trying to live, and i want to be successful

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My whole family thinks I should be what they want me to be just shows they don’t know me hard to live with expectations

I had a bit of a break through glitch… some of the old sneaky brained thinking came back and I was getting a bit grandiose…

I was in a euphoric phase and had a feeling the universe gave me back some of the skills I once had…

I did find that when I started getting that old delusion back in my head… when the head circus was getting ready to bring in the elephants… I was getting paranoid… thinking that people could tell I have the ability to heal and help them… so they would all try to come to me…

I was getting pretty worked up about just getting outside and started thinking… it’s the power I have that puts me on the radar.

It started to get a bit silly for me… I’m embarrassed to say. But a good nights sleep and breaking my fast sure did help get my mind back on track. (I’m not cut out for the detox diet / fast)
Plus the breeze came and the temperature dropped and I’m feeling much more back to normal these past two weeks.