Grandiose delusions can be a way of coping with failing to obtain goals and wants, like getting married, finding a job, owning a house. The Grandiose beliefs compensate for failing to get your wants. These beliefs give you big stimulation and can work as an antidepressant anti anxiety when your suppose to be feeling low.
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Yeah I’ve thought this theory before. Very astute Bruce to come up with one of my theories
Can be a defense mechanism
I’ve got some grandiose delusions. Not as bad as I had in the past, but they pop up from time to time.
Here’s an advert:" for the life you dream of and the one you live."
It reminds me that normies have issues like this too.
No problem wise one
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We are both wise
Hmmm that’s interesting but I think it may be both true to an extent and also just theory. Both arguments can be made well for or against it.
I found mine to be unfortunately too plausible and probable.
what’s your theory on the paranoid delusions chief?
Spot on analysis, Bruce.