I’m perfectly ok with being alone. I do however like socializing, and I do it quite often. But, if I was alone for a long time I think I would be ok. I don’t know if us sz are better at it but I know I am. I need my alone time to recharge
I go in spurts, I am an introvert so less interaction the better but sometimes I get lonely and want a friend around or sometimes remember what it was like being with someone romantically and I miss that. But then I also think of how much strife is caused by someone be it in a relationship or just as friends and I feel ok being alone.
I prefer being alone the majority of the time though.
im not sure how I feel about being alone. I was somewhat social growing up. but over the last 10 years I’ve spent a lot of time alone. when I was psychotic I had my thoughts and voices to entertain me and keep me company. but now that im on meds I get bored which makes me at risk of using substances like alcohol or marijuana when im all alone.
I think a roommate or live in girlfriend would be nice sometimes. other times I think living with another person would be a huge shock to my system and take some getting used to.
but the longer im alone, the more I get used to it.
I’m a professional introvert so my alone time is important to me. I can handle real life contact for a little bit but talking about frivolous ■■■■ gets me down. I’m best in groups 4 and smaller.
I try to be alone as little as possible. Being around someone else helps me feel much better and not as scared. I start to feel demotivated if I’m alone a lot too. Like I just want to sit on the couch with my eyes closed. It may be getting better off meds, though. I noticed that I was enjoying my own company last Friday evening with music and a candle and doing some things on the computer. That was a pleasant surprise. Other times I make it home and am like what to do? Go to bed, I guess.
I know it seems awful to say. But I believe people with this condition can be vunerable and get taken advantage of. Being alone can protect them from this happening.
Like @Lifer said, when I’m alone for too long I start to want to drink. I live with my parents and they work all day, so I have my alone time during the day, then I can socialize a little bit with them in the evening. But overall, I enjoy being alone with the company of my dog. It’s nice.
I’m a very extroverted person but sz means I have to make myself rest more to stay stable. So I guess I’ve learned to be alone but I was bad at it for a long time.
I don’t like to be alone. I get sad and lonely really easily. I do think it’s gotten easier since getting sz, but that could also just be that I’m not a kid anymore. Hard to say. I get most of my social interaction online, but I definitely rely on those conversations a lot, even if I can’t see anyone in person for awhile.