I grew strong…I studied for years the in’s and out’s of mental health stuff and it still fascinates me…so much to learn…I simply choose not allow others opinion affect me, IMO everyone has their own ‘‘reality’’ this is one reason I should not worry of their opinion of me…my freewill is my sliver bullet in all areas of life’s journey and im 100% grateful every morning for this
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Creepy. Really creepy.
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I was put in the psych wing of this hospital when i was like 13 or so, and almost again a couple months ago
the only thing i really didn’t like was how the windows were blacked out, It made me feel trapped
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Las Vegas, NV
Mt. Clemens, MI
I’ve also been to the one in Nevada. It was comfy. Food was decent and I attended all the social events like bingo and dance and did the laundry every other day for points. It was not scary at all…
I’d rather not look at the pics of mine, traumatic memories, dont want to bring in bad joo-joo
@anon62973308 I was out of that one in two hours. It was exactly like the movies. It was too crazy for me, I lied to get out of there.
Some people say creepy but some of those hospitals look like nice mansions. I wonder what they’re like on the inside and what kind of things went on in there