Been missing my sister but

She noticed I was down and asked what was wrong so I told her and she invited me to come over tonight to help her hang pictures. I’m sure I’ll mostly be in the way but it was nice of her to ask. And it motivated me to finally take a bath.


sorry to hear your feeling down @Leaf some catch up time with family is always wholesome :slight_smile: hopefully it can make you feel better.


my sister thinks she is superior to me and they beleive in some hierarchy where i am the lowest.

she supresses me and gets jealous if good things happen to me she does not think i deserve it.
she does not think my brother should pay me for walking his dogs but thinks i shouls babysit etc for free.
i refuse to babysit nephew who is stuck up like his mum thinking he is so superior.

i love them because i love everyone but i do not want to surround myself around toxic people like that who supress, hate and put down and are jealous and compare themselves always how good they are and that they are better than me etc.

i do not think i will ever have a good relationship with my sister.

i avoid people who treat me that way.
i know she does not love me and doubt she ever will.
she may pretend to to look good but i know she does not.

maybe i have a soul sister out there who can be nicer to me and see me in a nicer light than my sister does.

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I’m sorry you have a crap sister

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guess i should try to be more understanding of my sister.

she might be jealous that her mum and i have a telepathic connection and supressing me makes her feel more powerful and that she is better than me.

still i do not think my sister and i will ever be close or “hang out” etc

maybe my former stepmum thinks her children are superior to me.
that would change our relationship and make us not as close anymore.
she was never like that but maybe her children and her mum and rest of ehr family got to her.

i stand my ground anyway.

i have a soul person who comes to me in spirit actually i have a couple people who come to me in spirit.
we have a cool relationship.

i worry how i will hang out with them and my nephew…
my sister taught my nephew that he is superior to me so he is like that too.
i can not be auntie to him then but avoid him as i dont want to tolerate such behaviour towards me.

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