Been a bit un-responsible latley

Havent heard from my social worker since november - and was left to suffer over xmas without no depot jab and after taking my weekly script of quietiapine in one go.

I put a complaint in to the NHS trust about him and have been hitting a brick wall ever since.

Im now taking my pills as prescribed and cut down on the drinking - but when you piss one of their collegues off they seem to close ranks.

Ended up phoning the managers after 4 calls and no reply - and ive already explained the reason i was so aggresive was becuase i had no drugs in my system and was drinking like a fish over xmas - they should know by now im notiouriously unstable over that time of year due to not seeing my ex-wife and my daughter.

Im gonna bite the bullet and ask for a detox and rehab. Tho it will mean essentially cutting off all my friends from the bar and having no social life - but i honestly cant keep making the same mistakes. Yeah ive tried just going for soft drinks in the pub - but your made to feel like a pariah and the temptation is too great. Im also aware its screwing up the efficacy of my anti-psychotics.

If im to stay stable and well ive gotta quit the drink. Im already getting liver pains at night.

Anyway having a jab tommorow - and thats when im gonna BEG FOR FORGIVENESS. And ask them to dry me out.

Im 44 and starting to get too old for this â– â– â– â– . rog x


Maybe just limit yourself to one drink and just milk it for around an hour at the bar so you aren’t cutting those people out of your life. If your liver hurts you should see a doctor.

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Yeah ive already been milking the guinness already whilst there. But i always end up drinking more - landlady even says drink faster. Im gonna mention the liver pain to my cpn when i have me depot tommorow. Ive already lost a stone cos my appetite has gone since quitting the weed - i relyed on it for the munchies. I purely think ive just been living off the calories from the alcohol latlely. Yeah in hindsight i simply cant quit the pub altogether - it would be too depressing - maybe just limit my time there.

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A stone is a lot of weight. I hope you get your diet back on track. I would probably drink more too if I had the mind set of limiting myself. Just couldn’t help myself.

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Yeah i just feel latley ive been making the same mistakes for the past twenty years. Im sorta angry at myself for not learning some self-discipline by now. BUT ITS HARD. Alcohol has been a major factor in my mental health, criminal record and who i am since i was 15.

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Yeah alcohol complicates things. I think there are pills to take instead of using. @Jonnybegood knows about it.


Yeah asked about Anta-Abuse a drug they give. But they said my body wouldnt handle it if i fell off the wagon. Doesnt help the fact the Alcohol Services round here are crap and underfunded. Ive been going off and on it for years. Its starting to mess my relationships me MH professsionals now tho. Maybe @Jonnybegood has any ideas.


I don’t think Antabuse is that good because it doesn’t prevent cravings rather just makes you sick if you drink on it.

I’m on naltrexone. @daze is on something else. I find naltrexone is very effective in reducing cravings for alcohol and mAking you not enjoy drinking anymore if you try to drink on it. I have 93 days without alcohol at all today v



Great thanks very much. Will mention it to them - see if they will put me on it. Lifes getting a bit “silly” on the drink now - and i wanna change. ta.


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