Can schizophrenia be cured without lifelong use of antipsychotics
Welcome to the forum, @anon39239665.
I don’t think there’s any cures for schizophrenia right now,
The way most people manage symptoms is with antipsychotics.
Are you currently taking medications or considering them?
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Just 5-10% can live symptom free without meds.
Yes ive been on abilify for 2 years
I’ve been on abilify almost three years.
Does it not work for you or are you just tired of taking medication?
I believe it can. It’s just not going to be cured with a pill. The damage causing it is too broad-based.
A single pill isn’t going to heal the gut-brain axis.
Maybe at some point. Not presently. Many of us function at close to normal with antipsychotics and therapy (plus supplements in some cases).
Abilify does work for me . Im just curious if some people can eventually go off the medication
Welcome to the forum! There’s no cure yet, but it’d be great if there was one. I’ve heard of success with bone marrow transplants though
After four years of sza, I managed off meds for five years but then I relapsed eight years ago and since then I couldn’t come off meds without a crisis occurring and sometimes hospitalisation as well.
Nowadays if I come off my meds I get psychosis within a week.
no once you have been on antipsychotics , possible if you never on them
Welcome to the forum, I don’t know if sz can be cured without meds. I’ve been on antipsychotics for so long I don’t know what I would be like without meds.
Welcome to the forum. Don’t know for others but I can’t do without meds.
That’s me, but my pdoc thinks relapse is always on the table.
Welcome. Very few people go without medication. For the most part; normal functioning is achieved through use of medication. I suspect anyone who goes without medication has acute relapses here and there, In time the body heals itself so it maybe that their relapses are managemable and by the time it seems they’re cured they’ve not been hospitalised for any. But Yh, basically the body does heal itself over time I believe
Welcome to the forum…
I haven’t had any luck beating Schizophrenia, but it’s nice to just space out sometimes like watching movies, reading, tv, coffee or tea …
Ultimately it’s a sad and horrific state of mind, but treat yerself and stay busy
I dont know about cured…but I am 51, was diagnosed at 21 and through all these years I have been well or unwell. Medicated or self medicated… But now, I have learned skills and developed coping tools that keep me able, without any antipsychotics… Hope
Not maybe cure. Just using skills,…Lots of coping skills and support plus keeping your inner tabs so to speak. Peer Support