Battle fatigue is setting in

4.5 years out of the hospital. 4.5 years sober. 4.5 years on abilify which I struggle with daily.

I think it’s wearing me down finally. But I don’t know what either me or my psychiatrist can do.

I’m just tired. 4.5 years of a constant daily struggle.

How do the rest of you keep going?


I’m still not 100 percent since my psychotic break 2 years ago.
I’m just not the same.


Trying new things to heal my brain injury faster. Feeling some progress but it’s a slow grind. Next thing to try is Glutathione, might speed things up.

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Because there is nothing else to do but carry on. Even when I want to quit.

And I’m a stubborn b*tch.

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I just do, find ways to amuse myself, my advantage is that I have a business that I can work at, it is well suited for me and sz, I can pick up the pace or slow it down, plus i enjoy it cause it’s not the same thing everyday


When you have no choice you just keep going.


It’s been a long time since I felt how I used to feel. I guess I just adapt to wat ive been given

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Just wait til you hit the 35 year mark. (and 28 years clean and sober). It’s a whole new ballgame every day. Especially if you live in the rat race and frantic, fast paced life of Silicon Valley like where I live… It’s great to live here for all the entertainment and the nearby natural wonders and you have anything you would want to buy at your finger tips but the price you pay is constant stress, anxiety and a daily life or death struggle just to drive in this area.


I dunno how I do it man. I am constantly searching to heal myself but most of the time my body feels unwell. Like a weariness.


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