Bath vs shower

For me, the bath is the clear winner because it means lying down and not doing much. I find it hard to get out of the bath though. Which do you prefer?

  • Bath
  • Shower

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Hmm. . .

Bath’s Are Relaxing.


Showers Are Cleansing.

Both Are Great Tool’s To Alert The Mind, Body, Aura, And Circuits Of Energy.

Great Poll. Hope It Helps To Remind Everyone That Bath’s And Showers Are Healthy Ways To Cleanse.

And If One Keeps Focus On A Form Of Psychological Morning Rebirth. Your Days May Remain Bright.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :roll_eyes: :sleeping: :roll_eyes:


I love baths, but I am a cheapskate so take a daily shower instead. It saves me money as I am on a water meter.


I’m a bath man haha that’s where I get my best thinking done


The sound of the shower triggers me. Bath.


For me it’s the toilet seat :speak_no_evil:


I prefer showers, but when my back is really hurting a hot bath with CBD bath stuff is life changing, laying in water takes so much stress off the back. I want a hottub I would be in it everyday.

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I like reading in the bath

Don’t drop the book!!

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I prefer showers. Have not taken a bath in many, many years.

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I like both.
Showers are great at waking me up in the morning, or making me feel cleansed after a long day.
Baths are good for relaxation and getting socially acceptable alone time


Shower, most optimal use of time.

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i like my sunday baths =D

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If my muscles are sore I’ll take a bath, soothing hot water, but you are just laying in your own filth.

99% of the time I shower.


I always think of bathing as just soaking in your own filth. It bothers me on some granual level, so I don’t do it.

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In Japan I think people shower before a bath


The Japanese are too smart.


I wash in the shower. But I like relaxing baths at night sometimes, although I haven’t taken a bath in a few years

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showers for cleaning, bath for relaxing. when i stay in hotels i shower then have a hot bath, sometimes they have like a jacuzzi style bathtub with jets its feels nice



optimal = most adequate

No worries.

True. I saw it while on a leisure trip. Historically, bath was shared between several people and it was a means of relaxation and socializing. Also they tend to be obsessed with personal hygiene. Part of the reason why Christian missionaries in Japan in the middle ages weren’t taken very seriously was because Europeans rarely washed or changed clothes during those times. In France (same period) the nobles used to wear wigs but were full of lice and they were scratching their heads with some long needles. I believe it was Napoleon I during his conquest of Egypt that came back and taught people how to bathe more often. He also brought along the first body perfume which to this day is still generically called “cologne” (since Egypt was now a French colony). But I digress :grinning: