Back from hospital at last

After eight days in overnight casualty ward, another eight in psych ward and another five in a psych hospital i am finally out. It was my eighth hospitalisation. Feel much better. Hubby so glad to have me back. Strange the drs at the psych hospital diagnosed me with unspecified anxiety disorder but I played it cool with them and was quite well by the time I was transferred to the psych hospital that the sz didn’t show much.
Anyway I’m glad to be back on here and back in civilisation!!! :slight_smile:


Welcome back! I’m glad you’re feeling better!

Welcome back! Its good that you feel better :slight_smile: .

Welcome back @Hadeda! :slight_smile:

Welcome back, it’s good you are back on an even keel!

Welcome back…

Welcome back! Hope your feeling better and look forward to your contribution!

Welcome back…

I think the real civilization is in the hospital. Outside is run by the heartless.

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welcome back 1515

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