I learned autophagy in biology, it means self-eating. Its when old/non-functional cells or cellular components are degraded and “digested” by healthy cells/cellular components. Its a survival mechanism. There is also apoptosis which is self-destructing where the cell bursts. Other cells prey on the biochemical material that results from apoptosis, its similar to autophagy.
The healthy condition in this short report is that ,the definition is free from any description to the essential nature of the condition called sz !
They do not said that ,sz is mental illness or genetic disease or else
Just they describe the Sz as it appears to the eyes of the external observer , which diagnosis as a group of symptoms that each one isolated about all other symptoms ,look like if each symptom is independent phenomenon
But the fatal mistake which repeated in most reports is that ,they considering the things called hallucinations a single symptom from the diagnostic material ,while it understood for all the impossibility to diagnosis the things called hallucinations whether the acoustic material or the visual- which perceived by the person with sz ONLY
It impossible to believe that,there is a man from the mankind understanding the real nature of the condition called sz or knowing the internal logic of its events /processes while he thinks that ; the hallucination is a symptom of the sz or a result of sz activity or anything in the human nature (psychological / biological )
The hallucination in itself is the Whole condition , while all symptoms are the results of its action in the human nature ( P /B )
The sums characteristics of the things be called Hallucinations,will be considered as a symptom of the sz ,Just in the case that if you believe that ; the sun is just one of the solar system elements ,look like the planet (Earth,Mars and all other planets )
And ignoring the primary sun’s gravitional role ,which encodes the road map for every planet in the solar system
in the case,if you believe that the defective gene is a symptom of the genetic disease,and the virus is a symptom of the viral disease …etc
Putting the Cause itself in the diagnostic material , and deal with the Pathogen as a symptom in all experiments , Now you can imagine the mythological conclusions about everything related the condition called schizophrenia !!
Simply,you will never find any cause throughout these experiments at all ,because you put the cause itself in the experiment as a symptom !
For example,if you deal with the defective gene as a symptom of the genetic disease,you will never find any cause for the genetic disease,because you deal with the gene as a symptom !