Aspergers quiz

I scored 32 which is kind of borderline.

I think my cat scores about 17 :smile:


I scored a 12 on that quiz…

On a more positive note, I only scored 3 on this one…perhaps I have finally reached my baseline:

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   41. A previous time I tried it I scored 37.

i also got 32 …

i got 33. beat you. lol

Forty-two. Douglas Adams would be proud.


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Seems like you’re the champ @pixel

I know what they’re looking for so I got a 3.
(My mom thinks I have Augsburgers so there’s a lot of the literature lying around.)

take care :alien:

I scored 13… Guess not much

Diagnosed with Disorganized SZ and ASD (formerly Asperger’s). Shouldn’t be a surprise.


I based my answers based more on what I was like when I was sicker (I realize I will always be sick) and scored a 34. I think it would be a little different now.

I ran you rather close. Of course when I was younger the aspergers diagnosis wasn’t around, I think there are a lot of 50+ out there who didn’t fit the criteria for classical autism and were born too early to get the aspergers dx in childhood.
I have had the autistic word mentioned on a few occasions, lastly when I had my last appointment with the nurse practitioner ,but she basically said that there might not be much that could be done about it.

I scored a 19…

But I’m always high on OCD testing.