
Hi, I just bought ashwagandha + L-theanine combo at the drug store.

I thought it would be nice to add ashwagandha and see if it has any beneficial effects on anxiety.

Has anyone here used it? How’d it go?

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It is the main go to natural supplement where I live in the UK for anxiety so I’m guessing that it helps. I’ve never tried it myself though…

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I have been taking Ashwagandha for a few months 1500mg pills. I think its helping me a bit overall.


That’s cool you found ashwagandha in capsule form.

I bought it as a powder and mixed it into smoothies…

…Tasted like ass.

But, it’s got a ton of great benefits.

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I saw a drink made with it on Amazon I was curious to try. Let us know how it works.

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I got it, but haven’t really tried it yet. It’s supposed to be good for stress.

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Ashwagandha gives effect similar to vitamin D. Its good for reducing anhedonia.

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Long time ago i asked for that on a local drug store and they didnt have it.

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Ashwagandha seems to be helping with anxiety. The effects are subtle, but it hasn’t built up fully in my system yet.