No. I have neighbours I haven’t spoken to in 37 years yes I haven’t moved.
Never been good at it plus sometimes i’ll look uncomfortable or show odd behavior so they’ll go away lol.
Small talk remains a mystery to me. Came across folks who would ramble on for hours and after they finished talking I could not remember more than 2 phrases. It is a subtle art, to talk without saying anything worth hearing.
Once, on a date, I tried to impress the girl with my philosophy about giving every person more than one chance to prove themselves. Her reply? “Did you notice that red dress?” We had been walking past a haute-couture shop. I said “Not really”. She was visibly disappointed and not much later she decided we didn’t have much in common, lol. So much for my philosophy…
-small talk: great
-a little bit longer conversation: awful, it becomes awkward at some point.
-conversation with a good friend: I love it…
I’m not good at it. I’m better if the other person/persons are talking about something I like/know about. I’ll very rarely start a conversation. I find it hard to do.
I’m not good at any talk
hmm…i talk to the cashiers…I talk to my doctors…don’t know really…usually I’m with family or friends at social events in my life and I tend to be a crack up…which helps.
It depends on whom I’m talking to.
I’m the same way. I rarely talk because I fear I would look strange or boring. Sometimes I fear I will look egocentric.
I can handle about two minutes of small talk with an acquaintence or a stranger before I start planning an exit strategy.
I did okay the other day at the barber where we were talking about birds though.
I am totally gonna try complimenting a total stranger. That is actually a good idea. I have probably done it before without thinking about it.
Small talk is rough.
Like, how many times can I bring up the weather though?
no o despise the stuff.
blah. nerves about it.
Okay since I felt like I was misunderstood and still get this creeping feeling like I’m being bombarded by a collective of hateful thoughts/energy from the world (ridiculous to most I know…) –
I thought I would share this article that explains the truth about how I feel and see small talk and why it is actually not an expression of “I hate people” but just the opposite.
And I keep getting these things (like personal attack articles/videos) that prop up in my feed the next day that just irk me and insult me as being this way when the truth is if I try to do things the way others do? it just doesn’t feel right or stick. And that’s because it really just doesn’t feel right.
I feel like so much of who I am has died trying to conform to society. I have to be guarded and come off as antisocial/sociopathic/psychopathic… It’s downright cruel.
You can believe what you want about small talk,
But just don’t insult people who are good at it.
That’s easy enough, right?
Not with strangers
I had to think about this. I talked to my husband about it. We agreed I’m good at small talk sometimes. He said it depends.
I’ve gotten better at small talk as I have gotten older, but I’m still bad at casual banter. It often feels very tedious to me. There is nothing wrong with small talk. It’s a great way to pass the time. But when I was an adolescent I had little patience with small talk. It was very painful for me. I felt like there were bigger issues that were going unnoticed. I wanted my conversations to mean something. It was stupid.
Big talk,small talk, i struggle with it all. I am however pretty good at ranting about my interests when im comfortable with someone. Everyone always says im too quiet and need to open up more. Then i try and fail again and clam back up lol. I do not get how to socialize.
I’m terrible at small talk. Therefor, I usually stay quiet.
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