Are you getting wiser as you grow up?

I think I am getting wiser as I get older. I don’t miss the stupid stuff I did when I was young, especially when combined with sz.


I’d like to think so. I hope so.


Yeah for sure. I’m less taken in by others and more importantly I still have an edge to my humor. I don’t do this thing called life without a smile and laugh.


Definitely wiser now. The thing I most regret is moving to another state when I would have been better off if I stayed here where my mom and grandparents lived.


Oh ya alot wiser.


If you call being afraid of things being wiser, lol. Every now and then I think of something I did when I was young, like going over a hundred mph on the freeway, and I’m smart enough that I wouldn’t do it now. At age 60 and being clean and sober I’m smart enough that I wouldn’t do 90% of the stupid things I did in my addiction in my twenties. No getting in strange cars or letting just about anybody get into my mine. Nowadays, I wouldn’t survive all the crack I smoked during my twenties. Wouldn’t even want to try.

I got a major resentment against my neighbor but I let a lot of things go too, so maybe that means I’m wiser.
Sometimes I feel I still think like I did when I was 17 and I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was 17. But hell, my late teens were my last sane times. That’s why I go back to those times in my thinking.

Older but wiser? Maybe.


Maybe a little I don’t think I’m a very wise person. I’m not sure how great my insight is.


Yeah, I think so. I try to educate myself (I won’t say autodidact), and it seems the rough times had their own types of things to teach too. Learning what NOT to do or say is an education in itself.


I’m definitely wiser now than I used to be. I remember when I was a little kid I didn’t know anything about anything.

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What can I trade wisdom for? Can I get some cash with it?
Is it an advantage? What does it even mean?

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I definitely think so.

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I get wiser everyday because each day I find out how little I know about everything.

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I have gotten more realistic about life. You could call that wisdom.


It can be cash, as I am wiser now I am surely saving more money and spending less.

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Yes I’m alot wiser now 1515

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Yes, for sure. A lot wiser.

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One thing I can think of is I can try explain away spook now that I encountered it many times to be not so fazed by it. Is that wisdom?

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I think so, kinda, yea.

I definitely have more insight than I did when I was younger but I’m only 21 so I think I’ve still got a ways to go lol. At the very least now I try not to preoccupy myself with things I know won’t matter in the broader scope of my life. “Try” being the keyword here.

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Yeah, wiser, more mature, not as wild.

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