Are you constantly late?

I was just thinking that these days not even an alarm can wake me up from my sleep. Ever since i started taking meds its become increasingly hard to wake me up at the right times. Either i stay up all night for the early morning appointment or i go to bed and wake up at lunch time. I never used to have this problem until now.

That’s exactly how things are for me in general.

But if I have to get up for e.g. a doctor’s appointment then I can.


Sounds like going to appointments makes you jittery. Why is that?

The meds changed my brain, the sleep is very deep and i never wake up from alarms anymore. So i have to plan ahead, if i cant sleep within a certain time then i have to stay up or else ill miss the appt.


What med are you taking?

No. I go to bed early. Wake up early.

Risperidone 1515

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I got talked to at work in January for being late too much. So I was kind of on probation for a month. I straightened up and now I go in on time and they are satisfied.


I’m typically on time. A person often being late is a major pet peeve of mine. My ex-gf was always running late, and it drove me crazy.

I’ve always been early. My ex Mrs would never understand why I got to work half an hour early. That is just me. Never late. Always early.

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I’m one of those people who always shows up at least fifteen minutes early.


You are so functional and high will power that doesn’t seems like your schizophrenic.What would happen if you stopped taking your meds?

I’m very schizophrenic; delusions, paranoia, weird perceptions etc. I just had years and years where no one could tell I was ill so I was able to work and do a lot of normal things and go different places and no one gave me a second look, even though sometimes I was psychotic.

During the four years I was a crack addict there were very few people who knew I was ill so that meant some nights I would be hanging out Stanford University, a nationally known, very prestigious college in California, going to parties in the dorms and hobnobbing with the rich kids and some nights I would be in the city with the highest murder rate in California at the time, getting my drugs, spending nights in crack houses, and driving all over hell and back trying to score. But none of the prostitutes, ex-cons or low-life’s I partied with knew my mental health history.

I’ve tried going off meds. I know I need them. The last reminder I need them was about 5 years ago when I ran out of risperidone and my symptoms started coming back. It was lucky I didn’t relapse but it was a good reminder of why I take them twice a day. I just ain’t going to take that chance. I’m 59 and tired as hell, and I don’t have the fight in me or the energy to go through another relapse like my last one.


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