Are we to blame for this illlness?

I wonder if its our fault not necessarily for the illness but for not managing it well?

I don’t know. I feel like I’m doing everything I can to appear as normal as I can. That’s the best I can do


Then why some people have it better then others ?

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i think if you got the illness after using drugs then who else can you blame?

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I think the illness is on a spectrum just like many other illnesses


I need to stay employed.

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i think so to, but i dont want guilt users

I blame wizards. They’re the true cause of this curse.

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Depends on the context. They don’t know what schizophrenia is or what causes it, there are only theories. Drugs, trauma, environmental factors, genetics, etc… I don’t think placing blame on anyone just for having schizophrenia is helpful.

If you are stable and symptom free on your meds and the side effects are minimal/manageable or non-existent and you then quit your meds because you don’t like being on them, and become psychotic, and then do something stupid. Then yeah you are to blame.

If you have treatment resistant schizophrenia and nothing helps you then you are not to blame.

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So youre saying others have it harder but its the same illness . same delusions and paranoia for everyone

No, we’re victims of a horrible disease. You can’t also say that just because someone smoked pot or drank, it’s the reason they got sick. It’s very likely they would have gotten sick anyway, I mean how do you explain the kids like 5 and 6 years old who get it? Was it their heavy meth use that did it?

Some people just have bad luck and that’s all there is to it.


I agree .but why do you think some gave up while others still fight this illness with bad odds,is it some kind of delusional hope

People experience the disorder in different ways, plus at varying degrees


we cannot know that, never.

i think this would put a big part of the burden on how they manage to manage it

I’m not a psychiatrist. What do I know? Ask your pdoc these questions

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The experts would agree. The latest DSM5 made a lot of changes from the DSM4 and talks about a schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders.


No one knows for sure what causes schizophrenia, so to say that because someone smoked pot at some point in their life, they are to blame is callous and hypocritical.
Most people would agree that a big percentage of the cause of schizophrenia lies in genetic factors mixed with environmental factors/triggers. Even if smoking pot may have been a trigger for this illness, who is to say that that person may not have developed it later in life anyway because of their genetic predisposition. No one knows and to cast aspersions at people whose life’s circumstances you don’t know really irritates me.

P.S. This post was mostly aimed at swordiebrom’s comment and previous comments he has made on this forum.


The victim blaming and shaming is appalling and arrogant and I can’t stand it.


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