Are we sz because we were framed?

Just wondering because I here a lot of us saying we’re not sure what we have or haven’t done. Yes, and I traced my tension about it to getting fired due to someone else’s failure. It took me years to figure it out. And the boss had the nerve to say I wasn’t fired, that I quit. I wouldn’t have quit without letting my customers know. Some people!


I’m not sure what you are saying. But no one is responsible for us having schizophrenia IMO. It’s a bit of human nature to want to place blame for bad things. But sometimes bad stuff just is.

There is of course the theory, that early trauma could contribute to devoloping sz , so I guess maybe someone might assign some blame for that.

But I think in most instances, Sz just is. I dont blame anyone for my schizophrenia.


I blame my bad choices for dealing with depression for mine.

No man is an island. We interact. We are partly responsible for others and others are partly responsible for us.


Well, I just know in my case. If there is anyone to blame for my schizophrenia, its myslef for indulging in triggers for sz in my youth. No one did anything to me. No one physical abused me. No one forced me to try drugs. My mom was a bit on the crazy side, so maybe I had a bit of emotional abuse, but I dont blame anyone else for my schizophrenia.

Blaming others is a waste of time anyway.

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Can’t you call it responsibility instead of blame?

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It was environmental factors that i believe triggered me, mixed in with genetics - the cousin had it. And i partly blame all the LSD i was doing when i was 17.

I had constant stress for years, due to crappy landlords and housing as well. And the main life event was losing my family.

I was a late diagnosis - i was in and out of prison, cos i was acting out when psychotic. Soon as i had that first injection - and slept for a week, it was like a lightbulb switched on in my head and i had clarity.


I dont want to argue with you in circles about it chordy. but saying others are responsible for it is the exact same as assigning blame. I don’t see the difference.

I hope that you are able to let go of this all and find some peace. I think that you would be happier.

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If I hadn’t been bullied in the past, my life would be so much better today. I regret every day what I have to live. Until I have KarXT in my hands I’m fried.

My definition of responsibility is positive. A responsible adult can modify his behavior in order to take part in a moving society. Your definition just tells me how truly withdrawn you are.

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Ok pretzel. I just hope you can find peace with your past and move on. Not trying to start an argument here :slight_smile:

Yes, it was me. I had Mr. Boddy committed in the library using the Vraylar.


You just made me a little bit angry by so much that sounded a little saintly to me.

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It’s fine chordy. I apologize if I made you angry. I’m no saint.

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[ Ozyamandias appears ]

[ offers evidence log to @PinCushion for her to examine ]


If my schizophrenia came from getting fired I would be a schizophrenic 15 times over.

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I just read an article about experiments performed on primates and they usually become crazy from the torture.

Also inmates put in isolation apparently usually become schizophrenic or mentally Ill.

Muslim Prisoners were tortured by bush.
I wonder if they became crazy n developed schizophrenia or ptsd it would be called.

I believe my mental health problems are mostly because of what people did to me and then also drug use.

Someone can be framed to become schizophrenic.

The father I had growing up said a psychic told him n predicted i would get schizophrenia when I was only two years old.

People did stuff to me too which affected me.
I didn’t help myself by doing drugs I guess.

Yeah - I can quite believe it. Being in the seg for 7 days in prison, on a basic regime with no tv, drives you crazy. The self harm is rampant.

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No one else can cause schizophrenia. Clising this as its just going to bring out everyone with that delusion to point fingers.

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