Are we crazy or insane?

How many of you identify yourself with your illness, why? You are so much more than what your psychiatrist labels you as, aren’t you? If you had one adjective to describe yourself as what would it be?
Mine would be inventive!


Does that count as one?


I prefer “out of it”. Yes, I need my psych meds and yes I am schizophrenic. I have many ways to describe my illness. Memories of being delusional are too clear. It’s not just my psychiatrist labeling me.


I am “freaking crazy”…and that’s all I am. I used to think there was some kind of “true me” buried under it all…but there isn’t.

I’d describe myself as “weathered”

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Uncomfortably crazy. As in, I make everybody around me uncomfortable by how crazy I am.

Left of center.

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I would describe myself as miserably worn down at an early age.

skeptical …

A free spirit…


I think of myself as unique


I have got some issues - just like everyone else - my therapist likes to use the words unique to describe me


Genuinely different :smile:

crazy without med, mental ill with med.
I like the idea of being crazy than mental ill,
a health person can be called crazy, but healthy person cannot be called mentally ill.


I’m not sure I’ve ever even been insane…even at the worst of my illness…I was always at least capable of sanity.

And even before my onset I was crazy…not insane…just a little crazy.

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Everybody is crazy. It’s just a matter of degree.


Sanity is a legal term, only in forensics and legal settings is the word “insane” really valid to describe someone. Sanity is absolutely and completely psychotic, being out of touch with reality to the point of not knowing what is real or not. Very few people are declared legally insane, one must be completely psychotic and not think that they are psychotic. Insanity is a defense used to avoid jail or capital punishment.

You see, I sometimes hear voices but I know that they are probably not real. Probably. I hope they arent. LOL. Crazy is all of us, if you have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, it is safe to say you are crazy. Psychotic is behaving under the influence of psychotic symptoms. Mentally ill is when you experience psychotic symptoms but are aware that you have an illness and do not let it control your behavior.

Now what am I? A Viking berserker. I am a Viking berserker and my name is Bjorn the Mad. I have naturally occurring amanita muscaria in by brain. Other berserkers have to eat the mushroom to go berserk, I have mushrooms growing in my head and take pills to combat their growth.

Other Vikings eat mushrooms to go berserk. I am already berserk, I take pills to not be berserk all of the time. Who is more badass? The other Vikings who have to consume drugs to be like me, or I who have to take drugs to be like them? This is intriguing.

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I would characterize myself as “imaginative.” My imagination has always been important to me. I see imagination as something completely different from my illness.


The lead singer of Green Day wears that.