Are u optimistic?

Right now I feel very pessimistic
My troubles have been going on for too long
Are u a pessimist or optimist

I’m sleep optimistic


What is sleep optimistic?

A poster on this board :)…in seriousness though I fluctuate between pessimism and optimism.

i am very optimistic, the glass is mostly half full rather than half empty

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For me it depends on whether or not im medicated.


Mostly sadly pessimistic too for similar reasons on a day to day basis but longer term I am fortunately optimistic and believe that one day we shall have a cure!

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That’s really refreshing mouse
Yes we will stay strong and support each other and our day will come

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I am very optimistic.

Many thanks for all of you, I am very optimistic that life itself is a gift, and that we are mere spirits trying to attach.

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i am optimistic we sith will defeat the jedi scum !?! :smiling_imp:
take care :alien:


I’m optimistic, otherwise I would never do anything impressive

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Not either, not fighting not suffering, kind of in a numb peaceful porgutary lately.

I’m pretty optimistic…

But I’d love to be a realist.

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you were born impressive :trophy:
take care :alien:

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Im always optimistic :slight_smile:

I’m optimistic most of the time. Ever hopeful in fact.

I used to be very pessimistic. Now I’m pretty optimistic. I look forward to change and the future. I hope I will get better.

I suspect your high as ■■■■

back to the topic though. I hate both positivity and negativity