Are soda machines worth it?

I’d like seltzer water on demand as well as other sodas

This worth 200 dollars for me?

Or is going to the store and buying soda cheaper?


@Naek I have a soda stream machine. You have to buy c02 things for it every so often depending on how “bubbly” you like your flavored water to be. I use mine every day. I put the generic store brand liquid water enhancers in the carbonated water and it’s really good. I like to think it’s “better” than me drinking 3 cans of soda. Lol. But who knows! I really like mine though and I didn’t pay $200 for it.


You can easily research the cost and how much money it will save you. I’ll put up a couple articles for you. I hate to be negative but I think you’re only saving a few cents by making your own soda vs store bought.

These are only a few of the many articles about it. I think if you are going to think of making a $200 investment, then doing a little reading for 15 minutes about what you might be getting into is a smart thing to do.


We have the Sparkel and prefer it to the Sodastream we used to own. We buy the powdered chem in bulk and make our own carbon chargers on the cheap.

It has a bit more of a learning curve, but it’s fantastic once you get the hang of it. We don’t find ours to be leaky at all. There was a problem with the design of the first gen carbonator bottles, but that issue is gone.

You don’t have to buy and exchange CO2 cannisters and you don’t have empties everywhere like when you buy soda at the store. It saves us a small fortune.


How about saving your pancreas by not drinking sodas at all.

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Having a pancreas is highly overrated.

Here is a “charger” for our Sparkel. It contains citric acid and baking soda. They don’t react without water. You dump one in the top for each bottle you carbonate. You save a lot by portioning your own chem.


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