It makes me feel so insecure when I think people expect me to change so. I don’t change easily.
No, nobody is asking me to change. What do they want you to change?
I do a careless job of things.
My counselor once said “Change is slow, if it happens at all.” And you have to ask if someone wants you to change did they ever really like you to begin with.
I don’t even like me so I can’t really expect others to. I also wish I weren’t so careless.
i don’t think people asked me to change.
Well… My parents want me to recover so indirectly they want me to change. And I’m OK with that. They want the best for me and mean it with good intent at heart
as a result of meds, i have been forced to change. im so different than i was 10 years ago. some changes for the better, some changes for the worse. the truth is i was never allowed to be myself. im pacified now,
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