Are negative and cognitive symptoms off meds permanent brain damage?

Are they? Or they can be reversed with new meds?

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For me they started 2yrs before my diagnosis and got worse when I got on meds.

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I hope they can be reversed by new meds but who knows…


If you have negatives and cognitive problems off meds, then it’s due to the disease.

I also believe that acute psychosis can fry your brain a bit. So meds would prevent that from happening.



Negative symptoms commonly appear during the prodromal phase of schizophrenia and before the first acute psychotic episode (Figure 2). Among patients with negative symptoms , 73% had them before the onset of positive symptoms and 20% experienced them within the same month as positive symptoms


I think ‘brain damage’ due to meds is far less likely to happen compared to when I first got diagnosed in the mid 1970s. That’s because there’s a far greater awareness now of what can happen with high doses of medication.


try excercising if ur symptoms lets u running in the morning doing deep breathing excercise helps to grow grey matter … pls google… there are articles … I do both running in the trade mill and deep breathing excercise it has helped my negative and cognitive symptoms but very gradually been 35 days of running in the trade mill … i am tapering my seroquel slowley .now i am on 200mg seroquel and 2 mg ativan both helps me fall asleep…

new side effect i found is when i urinate in the morning my urine has yellowish color … i am scared but its med… i hope to quit all my medciine within 4 months …i am on mission … excercise like running and deep breathing helps … or i will be on minimum dose of medication … my gut has problem like ulcer gastric for that i am taking aloe vera juice wheatgrass juice and papaya leaf juice …

people say our second brain is gut or stomach …it should be healthy as well … stomach(gut) also produces happy harmone(serotonin) …so i am all set to improve my condition …

i have quit studies 12 years ago and i cant work … and our government dont help us with welfare or disability … i am dependant on my parents …

u guys have a lovely day…


I get that when I take a multivitamin pill. I read that its the vitamin B changing urine color. It could also be the supplements you’re taking.

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Bright yellow urine is a sign of excess B- vitamins in the body, including B-2 and B-12, although this condition is harmless. Taking B- vitamin supplements can lead to urine of this color .

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thanks @Aziz … 15151515

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Since ap meds block dopamine, it’s highly likely negatives are going to get worse. Dopamine is what makes people happy, and motivated. We’re not allowed that.


I think schizophrenia cause brain damage and not meds. I mean a normal person given aps would be just slightly less demotivated to do things


I worked damn hard to reverse any cognitive problems. I taught myself how to program, I wrote on my word processor for the sake of writing. I worked at doing brain stuff and now it’s second nature. I’ve taken IQ tests over the last 20 years online, before and after my sz diagnoses and being put on large quantities of drugs, and my IQ has consistently averaged around 130.

If you want to improve your cognitive symptoms you have to learn and keep active intellectually. it can be hard at first to learn new things, but know your brain is rewiring itself as you learn. My cognition improved over time, its better now in my 40’s that it was in my 20’s.

Brain damage is serious but it many cases it doesn’t have to be permanent. There are numerous studies and tv shows that show with practice the brain can rewire itself and improve, and other parts of your brain can adapt and take over from the damaged parts, its a fascinating organ.


@Headspark truth …i like it …

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i’m not sure they can be reserved with new meds… i sure hope so but it’s uncertain i think…


See ‘Haloperidol in normals’

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The period between 1975-1996 was one of very little intellectual stimulation for me. I was not encouraged to use my brain in the 1st half dozen years of being dxed. On showing a book that I’d just started reading, in those very early days, I was told it would tax my brain too much.

My wife was a great person with far more practical intelligence/street smarts than me, but we didn’t have deep,intellectual conversations.

Getting online gave me the cognitive stimulus I needed. In the last 15 months or so I’ve joined several high IQ Facebook groups,and societies. I’d wanted to do so for some time, but was not in the right frame of mind at my last place.

This is an easy test you can try.

This is a simple test for Mean Reaction Time (M.R.T.) and Reaction Time Standard Deviation (R.T.S.D., a measure of consistency in reaction speed). Both, R.T.S.D. even more than M.R.T., have a significant (though not high) negative correlation with " g ", or general intelligence.


I did that test, here are my results:

Reaction Time Standard Deviation (ms): 49.05
Mean Reaction Time (ms) : 291.7

My reaction time was 49.05 whereas the average reaction time (mean) is 291.7. Not bad.

I got 36.71
and 361.9

Whatever that means

The first number is the reaction time standard deviation. Standard deviation is how much you varied each time from the average. The lower the standard deviation the better, it means you reacted similar in each test…

The second number is the Mean reaction time, which is just the average reaction time.

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