They’re not improving…I am starting to think that cognitive and negative symptoms are permanent brain damage. I had them on all meds, on Abilify slightly less negative symptoms but I still had negative and cognitive symptoms. I was never the same person as before my sz since getting sz. So we’re mentally and intellectually disabled for life??
Cognitive and negative symptoms are permanent brain damage:
- Yes
- No
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i don’t know which one to pick cause I am not sure. It could be some form of brain damage but it could also just be the meds. I am not gonna test to stop meds and see. If I’m honest I think it causes some damages to the brain though but that is just my belief.
Not always. Maybe sometimes. I think it differs, seriously. I mean with me when I came off meds 2018,i started to feel less negatives and cognitive.
Then, when I went back on them, the negatives and cognitives got worse again
I did too but I still had some negative symptoms vs before sz, especially cognitive symptoms.
I’ve been declining cognitively but I’m not experiencing any significant positive symptoms.
My negatives are pretty intense.
I may be wrong ,but I reckon improvement of negative symptoms might result in better cognition.
I’ll zone out once in a while.
I’m pretty sure it’s brain damage.
Brain damage can be caused by the illness and the meds.
My cognition got better after first episode and taking low dose of risperdal (1mg) since.
i had some brain scans. lots of white matter damage. but other than that i think it waxes and wanes like mood swings for me. sometimes, i am smart and other times dumb. it definitely feels like brain damage although i don’t know if permanent. i lost a lot of intelligence over the years. im more concerned with motivation than iq right now. no point in having a Ferrari or lambo when it cant even start or get out of the drive way!
Is it better than before sz?
Yes. During prodomal it was difficult to study and my grades dropped. Since taking ap my concentration and cognition got better and i got suberb grades at uni. I started doing physical exercise after the episode and i think it helped me too.
I’m sure I ‘lose time’ every now and then, or it could just be I’m bad at judging how much time has passed . I don’t think my cognition is any worse as a result of that. Like a lot of people with Asperger’s/ASD I have a spiky cognitive profile .
All I am going to say on this is that treatment in this area is lacking, as the doctors only seem interested in treating positive symptoms.
try NAC , dun tell me that u have tried it so u won’t do it, just like all the other meds , try NAC ,everytime is different
In my understanding cognitive and negative symptoms is a body defense mechanism to fight against positive symptoms. Positive symptoms can be anything from simple anxiety to paranoia, delusion, intrusive thoughts etc. For example suppose you have intrusive thought which bothers you all the time. Meaning its occupying working memory space. So in order to remove that intrusive thought body reducing working memory space so if do some activity that intrusive thought intensity automatically reduced as working memory space is low. Also apathy or emotional blunting. Paranoia or extreme anxiety, PTSD etc makes a person difficult to face people or situations so body found a way that is to reduce the emotional reactivity by bringing up blunted or flat affect to the individual. So those events or thoughts or situations no longer able to create such extreme anxious response thus person feels more comfortable. Like these I think cognitive and negative symptoms are a kind of survival or coping mechanism without which there is a high chance we go out of control.
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