It isn’t with schizophrenia or anything, but last week I found out that my depression diagnosis has been changed to “Major depression disorder with psychotic features”. It’s been like this ever since I was in the hospital earlier this year, but my parents didn’t tell me until now because they ‘forgot’. My only complaint is that it doesn’t fit with me having psychosis since I was a child, but I guess a name for it now is better than it not being acknowledged at all.
To be honest, every doctor has their own opinion and the diagnoses are dynamic and always changing. I went from bipolar to SZA bipolar and who knows what’s next. The most important thing is that your symptoms are treated and that you have a good quality of life (can take time to get meds right though).
I didn’t find out my diagnosis until I went to my GP to get a prescription. They didn’t tell me in hospital. At least you’ve got a diagnosis now. Yay !
Yes, the positive side is that I have a name for it now instead of having to go on a mini rant/explanation about having psychosis but not being officially diagnosed with a psychotic disorder when people ask me about it.
Luckily I’ve been on an antipsychotic for a few years now and it’s helped me a lot despite all the weight I’ve gained from it, ha!
I also went from a bipolar diagnosis to SZA. It may just be SZ now or psychotic disorder. None of my health team has been very clear recently about it. Ill have to ask my pdoc when I see her next.
I have gotten diagnosed with schizophrenia three times, borderline personality disorder once and schizoaffective disorder twice. Current diagnosis is sza with PTSD.
I’ve found that once you are diagnosed with sza, that is your diagnosis forever. Once you’ve been manic once in your lifetime, that makes you either sza or bipolar forever.
How did you find this out, if I can ask?
At first I was diagnosed with BPD, this is when I was new to mental health services and I told the pdoc I feel empty inside. Then I was BPII then BP mixed affective states now I’m SZA Bipolar - with mixed states. i think Skinnyme1 is right when you have a manic episode and I mean proper manic you will be stuck with the label forever.
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