Anyone use nicotine pouches?

For the gum?

I bought 5 packs on 11mg velo ones. They’re too strong though. I get really zonked on them. Like a heavy feeling. Used to enjoy the feeling; not anymore. Think I’ll use one only cos I use two atm.

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I’ve bought zyn and zimo. Was on them for a little while. Went back to vaping though. I like them they’d be my go to if I had va a cough and couldn’t vape. The zimo maxed out at 8mg.

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Yeah, if that’s the same as “snus”, I use it. I burn a lot of money on it, maybe too much. But I don’t wanna quit.

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I just started using them. I like them better than vapes but one of the flavors burnt a hole in my lip :face_with_head_bandage:

I also noticed today that quiting vape might be making my :lungs: breathing a hell of alot better. I do not want to vape anymore

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I used to love snus. It got way too expensive and I quit. :wolf::wolf::wolf:

Wait… You guys spent more on pouches than on Vapes ?

Take a look at all the pics of mouth cancer and say that again!


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I have never vaped, just snus. :shrimp::shrimp::shrimp:

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I used to use snus but got tired of being addicted and running to the kiosk every time I ran out. Also it’s expensive!

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Wait are you talking the tobacco stuff or pure nic stuff?


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i used to use zyn. zyn is my favorite cause it doesnt irritate my gums like other brands. but im trying to save money by switching to vaping.

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Yes, i use it, and have done for 15 years, i would advise people to avoid the heavy minty ones and find ones with a more mild taste just to protect the gums… and of course the white stainless ones not to discoulour your teeths. And not use the pouch the same place at your gums, but move it around.

I think he talking about swedish snus; tobacco. I take the nicotine only.

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The tobacco stuff I think

yes, @eternalaether is correct, Swedish snus


Yeah I know, I’m taking some risks… it’s safer than smoking though, but still not good for you

Maybe I should switch to the nicotine only stuff. :thinking:

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So you’re jumping off a five story building instead of a ten story building?


I don’t know man, all I know is that a government official website in my country is saying “snus is bad for your health but not as dangerous as cigarettes, for a person that replaces smoking with snus it means reduced risk to health”

I haven’t looked at studies but I’m taking it as it means there’s less chance of dying from it.

yea i used them for a while. i quit because i foudn myself using them 24/7. atleast with smokes you get a break from them because you have to go outside or atleast light a new one.

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I hear you. I had them in all the time. Even when I was eating or sleeping. :mouse::mouse::mouse:

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That’s crazy bro because I have the exact opposite situation going … I use the pouches once every two hours and use about 7/day.

I was blowing through raz25,000 puff vape in 6 days. It was twice the nicotine and twice the cost. I guess if I could control my vaping it would have been better but for me the pouches are cheaper and healthier…

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