Anyone think about

Anyone think about where we’d be if we never took meds and there were no drs. We’re saved by modern medicine, but if we lived in a different time imagine what it would be like.

I’d be


maybe we’d be considered gods or messengers or some sort of a fairy in my case :unamused:

Death as soon as possible.

You don’t have to imagine it. It is already a reality for schizophrenics that was true for most of history until relatively recent times. Some cultures thought we were shaman’s or magical prophets, but in others we were shunned and treated badly. Medication treatment for schizophrenia has only been around for a mere 60 or 70 years.That is a small, insignificant, almost invisible blip on the entire scale measurement of human history.

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I think I’d have joined the army or become a monk.

I’d basically be catatonic. Picture me sitting in bed staring at the radator. Fixed in place. That was me before medicine

I would be doing better than some others because I was still functional, andnot really that delusional and was going out alot when I was off meds It is just really annoying hearing voices all day and I feel like it would be weird if no one knew it was because of an illness because people would tell you you are psychic or a medium or something and basically making you delusional

I need trephining like I need a hole in my head.

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I’d be one of those hermits living in the open land while being nomadic.


I got sick before atypicals were made and experienced warehousing at Florida State Hospital at Chattahoochee. No therapy, no groups, just sitting all day smoking and looking at a t.v. with metal grates covering the picture. The dorm was locked shut after breakfast and there were no chairs so everybody sat on the floors while leaning on the walls. 3 MONTHS there…luckily, it was only in 1992 and not 1950 where we might have been subjected to lobotomy or insulin therapy. I am grateful to live in the US and not some regime that might still do those things.


Oh, wait…with Trump in office they might cut the budget and go back to that…

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Wow you’re right, we might just have ended up locked up… permanently