Very addicted
Just came back to sugar after a strict 6 months off
Weight ballooning
No will power
Yeah coffee wise, otherwise no not really. my sugar in take is pretty low without coffees/cappuccinos.
I’m at the mercy of near-daily McDonalds ice cream cones. They’re only 180 calories though and my weight has been steady.
Try replacing sugar with stevia if you drink coffee.
It’s not coffee it’s everything I can get my hands on
Then you just gotta find out what you’re really hungry for then work to attain it.
that’s the only thing that works for me.
The search is over as soon as sugar touches my lips
It can be a strong addiction because it tends to spike our energy. Mine’s mainly in fruit, which I will never give up.
I sometimes struggle with the fact that I will never give up my sugar addiction. Fruit, ice cream, cookies, cupcakes, pies, you name it. I am a stress-baker and I have been under a LOT of stress!
My addiction is to dairy products - especially ice cream or shakes. I don’t know wat it is, but the combo of high sugar with luscious dairy is hard to pass up.
I just ate three bowls of sugary cereal. I have big issues with sugar. I can’t let myself buy cheap candy in bags because I would eat all of it very quickly. I consume any sugar I have on hand very quickly. I’ve just gone through a jar of grape jelly very quickly. I can’t have sugary things on hand because I eat so much of it. I’ve been able to stave off weight gain through exercise. They give us our choice of little snacks in the afternoon where I live, and I always ask for little candy bars. I need to cut back or I will gain weight.
I’m a huge sugar addict. Ice cream, sugar in coffee, doughnuts and cakes.
I used to drink cans of soda every day. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten diabetes due to my high sugar intakes.
Now, I mostly get sugar from natural sources like fruit and it’s juices. I’m still a sucker for that cocoa though!
Don’t bring it in the house if you have little will power. I can go without sugar but if I weaken and bring in a package of cookies or candy, I know I won’t be able to stop at just one cookie or one piece of candy. If it’s in my house I will eat it up fast. So I try not to bring it in the house. Maybe cold turkey is not a good idea for you. How about just treating yourself occasionally?
I love sugar more than I can say. Particularly ice cream. I’m just glad I’m not alone.
Sugar addiction is in my opinion harder to overcome than other addictions because you can find it everywhere.
Hi Nick, I really did take the 12 days of cravings to give up completely but after that I didn’t crave for six months, so it really is a good way to go having absolutely nothing… Can’t not have it in the house because my husband eats sugar all the time and he’s fine with it other than a family of history of diabetes, which I have him get checked out once a year
Yeah, food addictions are the hardest, because everyone needs at least some food to live. Granted, I’ve never been addicted to heroin or anything. That’s just what I’ve heard.
I WANT to indulge in sugar…spend the extra calories on pastries, candies, and the like…
My medication makes me addicted to sugar. I try to drink diet soda but it still makes me fat.