Anyone know the specifics on karxt?

Is this drug going to improve negative or cognitive symptoms?


Well im one of those guys who thinks negative and cognitive problems is caused by antipsychotics. I specifically thing its the dopamine antagonizm that causes it.
A good way for us to know if karxt causes cognitive and negative symptoms is by getting people who have never taken an antipsychotic b4 and observing to see if they get those synptoms after getting karxt. However thats not what happened in karxt clinical trials. They tested ppl who were already on antipsychotics so they probably already suffering from negatives and cognitive problems.
For me personally it takes about a year for negatives and cognitive problems to go away after stopping an antipsychotic. So for this trial they tested them for 6 weeks. Far too short to tell if it prevents negatives and cognitives.

But from what i see about karxt. Its a completely different mechanism of action. It agonizes all 5 muscarinic receptors. But there adding tropisium which will antagonize the m2 m3 and m4 receptors. Im not fully positive what all these receptors do. But i think i read that the m4 receptor affects the central nervous system.

So overall i dont really know as this is all theory and not practice. My hope is that it will help with negatives and cognitive problems since it dosnt antagonize and has completely different mechanism of action from the current antipsychotics. But if it dosnt cause those problems. And you switch from one antipsychotic straight to karxt. You would feel better after a year of taking it.

Thats my take on it lol, sorry for long post and not being able to answer your question.

Also there saying only the agonizing of the m4 receptor is necessary to stop psychosis. Theres a new drug called emraclidine, which will come out in like 10 years which does just that. So i imagine that drug will be more superior then karxt


I just hope it will go far enough to treat anhedonia in just an anhedonic person.

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@Johnnrocato56, are you currently on any psych meds?

I had the negatives before I was put on APs and they haven’t noticeably diminished as I’m being tapered off. I suspect they’re like my tinnitus: lifelong. A high dose of APs absolutely messes my cognition. I do fine on lower doses.


Yeah ive heard some ppl say they had negatives b4 being on antipsychotics, 4 me its definately the meds. It also dumbs me down? Did you feel dumber on meds?

On high doses, yes. I’m able to do work with a high cognitive load on lower doses, but it means having to live with some positive symptoms. The two things that have helped most with negs are regular exercise and therapy.

I have intense negatives. I was fine before meds.

Meds cause negative symptoms. Let’s hope these new meds will fix it.

I had negatives before meds.


I have negs from meds when i got off meds i was working 12 hr shifts and felt normal but then i relapsed

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Same here. Got negs on meds. Got off meds turned normal then relapsed after a while and back on meds.

@Rainstorm out of curiosity how long were you on meds b4 you recovered when you got off? So i recovered 3 times from meds but i was always on for few months but this time i was on a cto so i was on meds for a year. So im a little worried i may not recover

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It’s supposed to facilitate learning and neuro genesis

I was on meds for two weeks then got off for 3 months before I relapsed

Another time 2 years later I got off meds for a month and was working part time but relapsed

I went undiagnosed for a long time. I think the illness progressed and cognitive and negative symptoms are related to the illness rather than the medications, though the medications also worsen them.


How is this KARxt Better than clozapine in terms of side effects? Since clozapine and KARxt Hit similar receptors I think?

Clozapine works on maybe 7 or more brain receptors including dopamine and serotonin. KarXT maybe 2 muscarinic receptors.

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I read KarXT Hit nearly all m receptors