I feel that I am one. I often try to take time to not be productive but I cave in and then do something like study or workout.
For example, I did enough studying for today and a halloween+birthday party is in a couple hours, but I just feel like reading my outline for a midterm and rehearsing my thesis proposal at least once again before making dinner.
I often have trouble with not being productive. I just chatted over text with a friend who is in dental school and he said something along the lines of “you’ve got a lot to work to do, I’m off to study” which I dont know if he meant I have work to do to one day get married, which was what we were talking about, more like I practiced counseling him about some interracial dating issues he has (he’s Korean in San Francisco) and then it turned to me, and I said I either want to marry a highly functioning woman with psychosis or a medical doctor.
I mean I read my outline like three times carefully and rehearsed my proposal three times today, and I’ve already read for my other classes. I honestly have no work to do, especially with nothing but studying and a workout planned for tomorrow.
Yet I feel like I need to study more.
Let me explain–I make perfect grades, I just keep making above 95’s on everything, I consider below 95 to be a failure. My GPA is a 3.9 and I also do research, I take honors classes, blah blah Im in the best honors society blah blah
but seriously I feel obsessive about productivity. I mean like really obsessive. Like I need to learn how to not be productive other than logging on here, but that’s not legit, sometimes the topics on here are questions, and answering them is productive and helpful. You all know me as the psychology student guy who works out who has other things funky in the head along with schizophrenia.
anyone else have problems with down time and taking it easy? I never take it easy.
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I have had phases where i push myself beyond limits then have a burn out. Last year I had a full time job, freelance career, university, exercise and a strict diet. Plus i do cleaning and cooking. I enjoy being productive because my life feels meaningless if i’m not busy. I got fired and a misrable state for a month. Maybe secretly I want to be perfect and have a perfect life. Recently I started smoking again and drinking a lot but I know it’s a phase. I’m learning to let go. In my past job sometimes i stayed till 12 am to meet deadlines. All for nothing. I got sick afterwards.
I think it’s ok if it gives you satisfaction but having fun is very important. You might put yourself in stress without realizing and it might backfire.
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of course I’m not…
Surfers just don’t seem to get into that mind set.
I use to be both a alcoholic and workoholic but where im living now they dont accommodate both so I had to choose…im going back home soon …just for my sanity.
hello @mortimermouse
I go to work everyday and had one rest day which is on sunday.I consider myself not very productive at work even though I hope I can be.Sometimes I admire people who can be very productive like they wouldn’t stop going or working,not everyone can do that…
regarding life,i don’t take my life easy,like you I workout everyday and I try to keep myself busy everyday.You are a awesome person,i respect you as a person even though your younger than me but your work ethic and attitude is just extraordinary!
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i’m a college whore lol
I’m a workaholic when I’m manic. And a sleepaholic when I’m not . Actually not really a workaholic but I like to make progression in my business when manic due to increases in energy and ideas
Work implies getting paid?
Then I must be just the
"Lone Arranger" taskaholic.
Funny though, the workaholic is usually doing it because they are avoiding the rest of what life has to offer. It usually benefits only them, because they have control over what they have time to do.
Attend Great Aunt jeejee’s 100th birthday party and be the designated driver for the entire family??
Aw I’d LOVE to, but unfortunately, I’m terribly overbooked that day and can’t get time off at work.
Shweew! Grin.
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I’ve been pondering this… some of my family said I’m driven…
Maybe it’s not that someone is a workaholic… so much as when you find something your passionate about… you devote more time to it… if you love it… It can consume you.
I love my job and the fact that my schooling is compatible with my job so I get to apply what I’m learning… makes it feel more worth my time. So I can get wrapped up in what I’m doing pretty easily… and it can seem like I’m a workaholic… when actually I’m not.
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So it’s not actually work if you love doing it?
Wise notion, I’ve heard that from my shrink before.
Well it looks like today is gonna be study biology all day then rehearse my thesis proposal and go for a run to make sure I sleep well. Tomorrow is the proposal and the next day is the bio midterm.
I do love doing the stuff, I just can’t decide if I want to do the studying then run in the evening or run first then study. Probably study then run.
I’m worried about getting to sleep tonight. I was at a costume party last night till midnight which is rare for me but it was nice and fun. I’m drinking coffee in bed and it’s 11:15. I need to wake up at 830 tomorrow and be in the gym by noon. I have trouble sleeping so I will go for a run after studying today, which helps.
That and it’s the usual morning for me. Need my meds, have to take Geodon with food, but I can feel my psychosis needs my Geodon now instead of later. I just have to eat and then take it then wait an hour for it to kick in, then I am able to study like hell.
I do have the passion about school, so it’s not really work now that you reminded me. It’s just productive, but not necessarily the four letter word type of work.
I always like your take on things. Very perceptive. I’m judging which is opposite to perceptive, so your views really help my tunnel vision.
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