Just wondering if this is a possible combo.
I really can’t stand my paranoia and would like to find meds/solution to target my paranoia so it would go away. No trying to be greedy to get rid of both.
Just wondering if this is a possible combo.
I really can’t stand my paranoia and would like to find meds/solution to target my paranoia so it would go away. No trying to be greedy to get rid of both.
I’d imagine it’s out there. I’m never surprised by symptoms except for the fact they can be so similar. Paranoia ruled my universe for a long time but I always called it something else. Honestly I do better than most but stress is my biggest problem. Stress simply makes my paranoia worse. That is hard to deal with but no easy answers. Just do the meds and work with your doc for better function.
I have auditory hallucinations and sometimes visual hallucinations, but I don’t have paranoia. I had paranoia when I wasn’t on meds.
I don’t have delusions or paranoia, but I have hallucinations pretty frequently. Voices mostly but sometimes images. I was delusional and a bit paranoid for my first two years of the disease, but those symptoms went away with treatment. Nothing has been able to stop the hallucinations though.
what treatment helped with your paranoia?
I’m not sure what helped with it, just staying on meds for a long time probably. I was on Seroquel, then Latuda and Invega for awhile, now Zyprexa.
Did you gradually stop being paranoid while on meds or a med change made the paranoia go away?
It was just gradual. I can’t pin it to any one medication. I think it was just recovery over time.
How long did it take?
It took two years from when the symptoms started to when they went away for me.
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