Anyone have BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) issues?

My problems come and go.

i used to be fairly obsessive about body building, but i think thats the nature of body building , it is an obsessive hobby. and I used to always check myself out in the mirror.

now i dont give a crap about looking jacked. although it would still be nice, its just not a priority or identity anymore

When I drink heavily and is completely out of control I have more BDD issues. Last time this happened though I did have a lot of people still triggering me over a picture they found of me when I was 220 lbs. lol

Luckily no. I’m fat and not particularly physically appealing but I don’t obsess over it to the extent it negatively affects my life.

My pdoc suggested I did when I weighed 94lbs after my (ex)husband had left me and moved across the country for 5 months. I refused to leave the house and only ate what was in the cupboards and dropped from 130lbs to 94lbs.
I wasn’t trying to be that thin, but it’s hard to realize just how skinny I had gotten.

I did as an adolescent, when I was also suffering from terrible depression. I thought I was the most hideous person on the planet. It was to the point that I often would not leave the apartment because I didn’t think anyone should have to see something as ugly as me. That probably sounds ridiculous to most people, at least to those who have never had problems with this disorder. It hasn’t been an issue for me since those years, though.

I think I do. I don’t know what I look like. My weight goes up and down and I know theoretically that I look better when I’m thin but I don’t know what I look like and I don’t have a connection to this suit I’m walking around in…

All the damn time.
I think it goes hand in hand with my ED.
However, some days are difficult than others.
Sometimes I feel pretty confident and other times I just don’t want to be seen.

Yup, I had bulimia for a number of years and weighed 43 kg. Meds have seen my weight skyrocket and I now weigh 66kg and I feel like I must look like a hippopotamus. I don’t feel at all comfortable in my own skin. I hate myself.

This is what Drs tell people they have who don’t blindly take the medication without complaining about gaining weight.