Anyone ever had a break in?

So im sitting here at 3 30 am and was wondering why my step cousin was sitting in the living room while i was asleep. Turns out he broke the glass in the basement to break in. I called the cops anyways but i think he stole my wallet, lottery ticket and bank cards. I dont know what im gonna do, i called the police again to tell them. I hope i dont lose all my ids and cards from all this.

My step cousin was all crazy talking about how its a new planet aswell. Jeez im annoyed that im gonna have to replace the window without my wallet.

Anyone deal with break ins before?

People used to break into our cars and siphon gas from us when we lived in the rural south. We put up cameras and it stopped.

That sucks.

I got my stuff back at least, cant believe he stole from me lol. The worst part is they arent putting people in the cells because of the pandemic. I also heard they were letting people out of prison.


Not when I was home. But they trashed the place. Didn’t break anything really. Never caught the guy. Had to use insurance for the missing tv

Make sure to cancel your cards anyways and get new ones. He might have copied the numbers.

Someone broke into my friend’s house once when we were having a sleepover. We were all on the enclosed porch when they broke into the door and we screamed and they ran away.

That’s Is very good advice.

I was broken into a few times. It made feel a bunch of uncomfortable feelings.

By the way, the cops were nice to us while they were investigating.

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When we lived in Reno Nevada our house was broken into. We were at work. They kicked the door in and went through out stuff. And took a bunch of stuff. Jewelry and a stereo and money. I remember how violated I felt. I remember how I felt about that fact that they threw clean, folded towels out of the laundry basket on the ground and stole the laundry basket, apparently to carry away everything else they stole. It really pissed me off about the towels lol animals.

My husband and I got broken into but we were home and they took off. We’ve had stuff stolen from our garage, our front porch, our yard, our mail, and our car was ransacked.

We had a break in in Texas. The thieves came in through the dog door. They reached in and unlocked the door knob at least that’s what the cops told me.

They stole my sons Xbox and his games and my digital camera and some cash.

I didn’t have renters insurance at the time. But that does cover such things. I subsequently got it. Now I am a homeowner and have homeowners insurance.

Recently someone broke into my storage unit and stole a whole bunch of stuff. I made a claim on my homeowners policy and they paid it. They probably stole a lot of stuff that I don’t remember was in there though.

When we were young someone came and stole our satellite dish off our front lawn. When my sister and her slime ball boyfriend were on meth they broke into my grandparents house to steal their medications the week after being invited over for dinner.

I’ve had my bikes stolen as a kid but I always knew who did it so I just went and stole it back.

My snowboard was stolen.

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