Anyone ever do embarrassing ass stuff when slightly psychotic?

here’s another embarrassing thing:

When I was put in the hospital during my break I was tripping that one of the patients was my recent ex-boyfriend (didn’t look anything like him, but it was him in that body) so I ended up sneaking into his room and into his bed with him, seconds before the nurses came in saying "what do you think you’re doing?":joy: ahhh… Good times, good times.

Yes I’ve done incredibly embarrassing things while slightly psychotic. I’ve lost a few friends because of those things. I was ashamed about them for some years. Some things I can laugh about now. Still feel stupid about them. I don’t know what I was thinking. Much like mjseu I emailed some people about delusions I had of being Imhotep in a past life, you know, the bad guy from the mummy. He was actually an Egyptian god of healing though. Also about being Cuahtemoc, some old Aztec emperor. I wish I could go back and change that. I don’t know what I was thinking. I lost a good friend because of it. Some never looked at me the same. Like I was some looney. I suppose I was. I also freaked out in a church. This was during my early years after diagnosis before proper treatment and medication. Thank goodness for anonymity here. If people I knew ever found me here I’d feel even more stupid.

I have almost never had a day since the illness began in earnest when I was not at least slightly psychotic. I did the most embarrassing stuff when I was very psychotic early in the illness and when the psychosis was briefly lifted by Latuda because I no longer could handle not being slightly psychotic and I was addicted to sleeping meds as well. I was very lonely all of a sudden and did stupid things to reach out to people I really didn’t know well.

Kept taking my phone to Apple to check that it has not been hacked into. Went to the police and told them I was being followed.

I wish I was that dude lol…

Man here in Florida at the mental hospitals I’ve been to in the coed section if you did that you would have been released. Any mind of contact in the coed section and they discharge you… there was a guy and gal fooling around in the t.v. room during the 2012 Olympics … they were given the boot so quick you couldn’t even blink

I cringe when I look at some of the things I have done when psychotic. It’s so embarrassing.

Used to tell my dad 2012 was the end and that the planets would line up and the gravity of our solar systems black hole would tilt the poles causing a polar shift …

I used to tell everyone we were living in the time of revelations and I’d go on you tube and find all this crap to support my theory

Then dad died and besides having my I’m Jesus delusion I quit giving a crap about any of my old thinking about the end of days

I no longer think it’ll ever happen and I’m starting to believe that the Bible is a complete load of rubbish which is ironic because I have thorns tattooed on my shoulders and I have a heart on a cross with wings, the cross going down into a pile of skulls on my chest.

Losing dad really drove me completely insane … and at the same time it made me quit giving a crap about a lot of my old thinking

To keep myself away from delusional thinking I simply stay away from churches and religious gatherings, I don’t read the bible, and I stay out of religious programs … woot… as easy as that if I don’t want to have crazy thoughts just stay away from what gives me crazy thoughts.

I do all sorts of weird stuff, post would be to long for anyone to read lol

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I stripped naked in a public park, and lay down on the grass. the only reason i got away with it was because it was around 3 am. Actually it was a suicide attempt, and i thought i was the brother of jesus, and I was in a virtual hell world controlled by gorilla aliens.


Hmmmmm… Interesting. Why would that be a clause to release you? I mean, besides the fact it’s inappropriate… Seems like it’d be more of a reason to keep you. And I wasn’t Tryna do anything, I just wanted to cuddle lol. Obviously I wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t tripping at the time. It’s just strange that they would have it coed, having men in there made me paranoid half the time.

I was totally psychotic and locked in some undisclosed location with about 3 guards in an ER hospital (no, I hadn’t broken the law, I had been physically attacked and had bruises and cuts but no memory, so they held me like I was a criminal asking me questions over and over and I kept telling the cops I don’t remember)…so anyways, there I am, with 3 security guards staring right at me from like four feet away.

So I start getting tactile hallucinations, waves of pleasure and sexual desire. Then I start thinking I’m about to be trotted off to my death.the two combined made me decide that this was the last time I’d ever get to experience pleasure.

so…I…touched myself a lot for like five minutes until I reached max pleasure levels. The guards just sat there and grinned (not professional, but I was totally psychotic and didn’t care because it was my last minutes on Earth).

So yea, totally embarrassing!!!

I have done some wierd things indeed.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::blush:

Last time I got baker acted I finally got put into the intensive care mental health unit where they put the seriously seriously bad off…
It was non Coed

lol lol lol lol

I messaged my high school crush and asked her if i could come over. I believe i also told her i was simba. Wtf? Damn thats so embarassing. Also i walked up to a random girl at a gas station and asked for her phone number and her dad replied… “absolutely not!!!”