Anyone ever been a call handler?

I’m looking into it as a career option, idk how difficult it could be though.

@Ish i heard you were one i think

It’s not difficult it’s how you take it.

Refresh rate should be fast if a customer is bad the next customer is not related to previous customer so we need to know and also study how we can make a call better than the previous one.

I am into call handling my entire profession.

In a sentence " When the call ends, the customer should leave with a wow experience"


what area of call handling do you specialise with?

I think complaints could be very stressful, also, how many breaks do you get ?


I had handled escalations. I need to call the customer provide solutions and also send them an email regarding the same.

Breaks are very limited. Out of 9.5 hours we get only 1 hour.
Which is split into 15 30 15 mins

It’s exciting helping people resolve queries.

Again its all how we take it. Especially being a sz we believe what we say to our self. That’s a bonus points.

Say anything

And bam you are ready to do anything impossible.

Never underestimate your self that I can do or not.

Take the first step and never turn back.

Also my main suggestion is don’t stop right there taking call & grow !

There are opportunities in vast opening. Believe and you will achieve!


is it like constant. Calls, calls, calls,

That seems like a lot of hours with little breaks, I think i could get mentally exhausted.

Chances are less. I remember I used to make 120calls a day last year on November and December.

I was into ambulance :ambulance: services followup

I have to be on the tip of the chair and make calls on time with no error.
I was alone handling ~35 ambulances.

The crazy things is they knew I have sz and they let me handle the work.

Sad part is they were paying pretty less. About 1 dollar per hour.

Which made me quit. Because I had pervious experience and knowledge how much work will pay me how much.

I used to think saving people was a boon.

But when I don’t save self and save others is something people call crazy. Where sz does sound crazy :rofl:

The other thing was I felt like Superhero of my city saving lives.

Edit: in international call centers you need to know only English but in domestic process we had to know minimum 6 language.

So as per my understanding domestic should be paid more but it’s vice versa


I lasted 5 mins working for a call centre before I was shown the door

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what happened joker?

I read the words and this lady on the phone kept saying ‘sorry I can’t hear you’. After repeating myself for a third time I lost my patience and said ‘look love, I am just trying to sell you double glazing.’

They walked me out.

To be honest I was an ass at that age


Yes it wasn’t too bad although mine wasnt only a call handler it was mixed with admin duties. I received calls from patients only. I liked it.

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I was a financial services representative. If you have a good attitude and develop thick skin to people’s crap it is a good job.

I did super well my first year after bonus payouts and commissions. Would still be there but sza got the better of me

Asking @Loke to weigh in. She had a better attitude than I did.



I was a medical receptionist for years. I took a lot of calls. Is there anything you need to know about it specifically?

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I’ve gotten docked points after a QA for being a total jerk to a customer. They needed people so my sup didn’t chew me out very much afterwards. Sometimes a woodchipper flashes into your mind after an irate caller.


TBH I never responded to their anger. Well most of the time. Whenever someone would yell at me or complain I would very softly and gently speak back to them. It helped a lot and it calmed them down. I was very good at my job. And I cared very deeply about My customers. That also helps.


I think i would be ok on calls but i could get very stressed/upset if someone was being intentionally mean towards me, like i would probably take it personally, It sounds harder than i thought in some instances.


I got a written warning when I worked in a shop

This guy would call several times a week to special order items

We had two shelves in our stock room with stuff this guy ordered but never collected for months

On the phone I answered and he was asking me to order him some dvd sets or something

I said to him I won’t order anything for him until he picks up the things we were holding for him

He got argumentative and called the head office to complain

I wasn’t rude to him. Think what I told him was totally reasonable

But I got a written warning for doing that



Have you ever worked in the call-center before? It’s nothing personal. By the time they get to your center they’ve been transferred a million times To the wrong department and of course they’re angry. And they take it out on you.

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Like I’m just being straight with you. You struggle with conflict and do not do well with criticism. You internalize when you are upset. Angry customers in your face will not go well for you. You will get very upset quickly. I don’t think it’s the job for you.

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I swear some reps will do nothing but transfer customers even if they knew full well they could have helped them.

I got desensitized quickly but I had a tough time when veterans would call in upset because their phone got disconnected after serving a tour of duty. I felt so bad for them.


You got that right. They did it all the time when I worked at the phone company. And of course they’ve been transferred 50 times to the wrong department so I get yelled at.

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