Cleaning the Call Center

I was called in tonight. Got 3 hrs. 45 mins. on the clock. The call-ins have been happening often more recently, covering for someone. I always say yes to go, and I’m almost constantly busy.

I might start working Wed, Thurs, Fri nights, and Sat mid-afternoon, it’s something my boss says is hypothetical right now, but I ok’d it.

It’s going well.


Well done @Daze . If you can do it say yes. My last really good job I was just Xmas help but I’d always show if someone dropped a shift. Got me a great full time job eventually and excelled even with the meds and all.

Keep on keeping on and it sounds something your good at and doing easy. Keep the stress low and more power to you. I can’t think of anymore of my cliches at this time but …Well Done to you :slight_smile:

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