Anyone else

Feel like they wish they could stop and start again? I feel like that with regards to my sza journey.

Like everything is a lie before and if I could stop treatment and restart all over I would tell the truth this time.

I don’t know why but I cannot shake off this feeling that I’m fake and want to start over and tell the truth this time…

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Like I worry if I lied about the radio in my head. How do I tell if I’m faking or a liar? Or if I’m true?.

It’s dilemma in my mind racing around making me worried. Why I don’t know… I’m just scared I lied :pensive:

Makes me feel like I want to stop treatment and start on a new page.

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I’m sorry if I’m upsetting or irritating people on here by my posts. constantly worrying . Negative Etc. Please forgive me :pensive: I’m just scared I’m liar

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Sz is playing all kinds of tricks and games with our minds. That’s why it’s called delusions or false beliefs.

You come a long way with sz and should know some of the pitfalls by now which this illness brings.

My episodes is to severe to fake it. Btw I knew nothing about sz when I was diagnosed. I never felt I was faking any paranoia or delusion.


I’m sure your not a liar. Sometimes it can be hard to understand what happens to ourselves and what goes on in our minds. Maybe you heard a radio on a occasion, but not all the time. That doesen’t make you a liar. It’s just that things change all the time, also symptoms can change from day to day.


Thanks @Mr_Hope and @anon18305065 for your replies. I’m really feeling bad like I’m a fake and need to stop meds to see the truth come out . It’s scary.

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No. I’m where I’m supposed to be doing what I need to do. All the misfortunes along the way give me what I needed to get past the next obstacle.

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