My belief at the moment is that we are riddled with frequencies. These frequencies have energetic weight and some even have patterns and intelligence or are controlled by others.
I have figured this out because back in 2009 I woke up one morning at 15 to an incision on the left side of my head in the shape of a Z. Z incisions are used in surgeries because they dont scar badly.
Anyways when I woke up there was a tightness in the side of my head and what felt like something foreign under my scalp.
Up until this point i had no mental issues no thought bro casting or emotional problems.
I had recently been caught at school with marijuana in my bag.
Ever since then i have been getting railed in the left side of my head almost every day.
This energy also seems to envelope me at times and touch my skin and move around my body as you would imagine a spirit doing so.
I have pictures of the scar the week it was done. I recently found it and the amount of memory and information that I was missing flooded into my mind. Me personally , I think alot of people are terrified that this stuff exists and that they would rather be delusional and miserable than to face facts.
But I have always been under a false impression that if I behave and be myself this wont be used to harm me.
But I’ve came to the realization that this has been the number one cause of my suffering and behavioral issues.