Anyone else so bored

I’m on disability and I’m so bored. There’s literally nothing to do but stare at the wall. Nothing interests me except work but I’m on disability so not working.


Get a part time job then ?

I do very little. As long as you’re doing nothing, might as well meditate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh I wish I was bored again. I just moved into a new apartment and have more than enough to do.

Do you think negative symptoms would be down if people here worked?

If I am not eating or sleeping I am bored.

Do you at least enjoy eating and sleeping?

I was on disability for 17 years before getting a job 6 months ago. I was bored a lot of the time too. Sometimes I get bored at my job now because it has become routine.

I get bored on my days off. I have a pretty boring life.

Yes I enjoy eating and sleeping.


I feel like I’m wasting my life away. I just want to take a lot of adderall and read books and stuff. But it’s not good for psychosis so no one wants to prescribe it to me. I could probably still get it but if my family found out, which they would, then they would just take it away from me. So it’s not worth the effort.

There’s lot of things you can do if you set your mind to it, especially if you have the internet. Try and find some activities you like doing and pick a day in the week to do them.
I’ve never worked and have been out of school since 16 but only rarely do I feel bored.

Things I like doing : playing musical instruments, writing music, drawing, looking at art, listening to music, playing games, watching films, going for walks, making videos, blogging, watching critique videos or video essays, learning about philosophy, learning about history or geography, trying out new recipes, watching TV shows, making mods for games, going to see live music.

Thats just me. You will have a bunch of activities you like doing too. Make a list of the things you like to do, or maybe even stuff you would like to try out that you’ve been interested in but never actually done.

There are still things I’d like to do that I havn’t, like learn a martial art, learn to make art on a computer etc.

The issue I struggle with more is structuring my days/week and making sure I am doing them and not just lounging around doing nothing. Making a timetable is the only way I have managed to get into hobbies I’d otherwise be too unorganised to do.

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I find reading really hard too. I have to be really motivated by a short book to do it. Most of the time I just CBA. But I’ve always been like that really. Always found it hard to have the motivation to read.

I have work tomorrow morning and for the whole week. Just killing time before I go to bed.

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