Anyone else found Seroquel to work well for sleep

I took my 300 mg Seroquel and slept for 19 hours. Do anyone else take Seroquel for sleep and at what dose.


I was on 50mg in the ward for sleep with trazodone it made me anxious.


Oh I m sorry but Seroquel makes me fearless and calm and makes me sleep that well.


I’m thinking about trying seroquel for sleep.

I have insomnia and need help.

I don’t want to become morbidly obese and also I heard there’s a shortage of seroquel.

My dr cares about my weight as do I .
I’m already overweight.

I really need more sleep though.


Sacret Ive been on Seroquel IR at doses of 50 mg - 1000 mg. When I got on 1000 mg I used them to survive med from the withdrawel from anothet psychiatric meds. After having used Seroquel as a bridge drug Im now finally feel no withdrawel. Im now on 600 mg of Seroquel with a 1 Gen. But I attribute the sleepiness to the Seroquel.
I think that Latuda + Very low dose of Seroquell = good sleep
A low dose of Seroquel = 50 - 100 mg.
I gained maybee 10 pounds of weight the 1. year of being on 350 mg of qutiapine.

What ever you decide I wish the very best for you.



Thank you!:pray:t4::slightly_smiling_face:

You too.

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I couldn’t tolerate 500mg of Seroquel and fainted.

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I found it was too good at sleep. Knocked me out like an elephant tranquilliser. Was impossible to get up.

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You should know that I embrace your experiences weather they are positive or negative.
But to me Seroquel has worked wonders for sleep and psychosis.
Please share those of you who tried it.


yeah. seroquel is prob the best for sleep. too good even.


Yes it really works well for sleep and that s what I like about Seroquel. I m very very hard to put down but Seroquel does its job very well. Besides of that it has done Wonders for alcoholism and psychosis to me for over one decade.


Years ago i was on 900mg Seroquel and slept wonderfully on it. I was on it for years, but i can’t take it anymore cuz it’s one of the ones that exacerbate QTc prolongation…i just got on Latuda + Vraylar (Zyprexa was giving me bad akathisia).


You just got some of the newest meds on the market jus stay true to them I m sure they will help even more in six week without causen you intollerable side effects.

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300mg at night. 100mg XR during the day. Dont be a prat like me and drink alcohol on it tho. Your heart rate will go thru the roof and you will hear your heart banging in bed at night


Nara Ive maybe tried drinking alcohol 8 times the last 10 years with the result that I couldne get drunk and yes no heartbeet.
You can get off of the slcohol with help of the sinclear method. You do that by takimg the meds neltroxone. If you do so then alcohol wont give you any Buzz

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Your preaching to the choir mate. Im 3 months sober, with a couple of days hiccup before that.

Naltraxone is not usually given out over here, unless your a severe case. Its all therapy groups.


I take 150 mg of Seroquel at night, along with two other AP’s, for sleep and psychosis. Works really well.


I take high dose of seroquel and have for decades. I get about 8 hours sleep.

I once tried replacing it with another med and could not fall asleep at all until I had my sweet Sero back.


Yes it works. I sleep 12 hours on Seroquel and 8 on Caplyta, but Caplyta is pretty new.


Yes it works really Well for sleep and mood and psychosis. I ve finally found a dose of Seroquel that me and my House doc could agree on.
I know that it Will take me a month to get used to the New dose

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