The first time I was developing psychosis, I developed shy bladder, I often used to suffocate myself in order to pee, it was horrible. Also in UK walls are paper thin so everything is audible. I developed shy bladder from paranoia that manifested in social phobia. Lived with shy bladder for 4-5 years. Even antidepressants didnt help. What helped me was getting hospitalized last year that ward communal toilets had no handles, it was hell but helped me. Anyone else?
I had diarrhea on Abilify. I sh!t myself often back then.
I have diarrhea on lexapro, usually once a day, its more like loose bowels for me
Yea these meds fk up our bowel muscles.
I did not know that, and that’s worrying.
I have to count to five to pee
I go; the number one,the figure one,give me a one
And it usually flows thereafter
I’ve been getting the urge to do the number 2, doing it, then 5 minutes later having to go again. Sometimes even a 3rd time. I don’t want to go to a doctor.
I had the same reaction to Lexapro. The morning of the day after I started it woke me up. I cut the dose in half for a few weeks then slowly increased up. It got a lot better over time. I added more fiber, Metamucil. Make sure you take it several hours before or after meds so it doesn’t mess with absorption though. I am not on it now though and that side effect goes away completely when you go off of it.
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