Sending love to the folks alone this Xmas
Not alone, I ate with my mother and my grandpa, but still feeling lonely. You, @anon94176359?
Sorry you are feeling lonely Om. This is a real hard time of year for me. Much love to you my friend
I am alone, it is okay, listening to some YouTube music:
She lives near me @mjseu
I like her songs. You are Scottish ?
I was born in England but was brought up in Scotland. It is a beautiful country
I am alone too today. I am listening to music
I have just been in Devon and in London. I have one old English book and there is a map of the whole Great Britain. I found out that there are some many places to see. It would be interesting to rent a car there and drive around. Maybe one day.
I’m alone today , as my stepdaughter is working . She’ll pick me up tomorrow afternoon when we’ll have our Christmas meal . I can’t complain as I spent many years after my wife died completely on my own during the Christmas period .
Happy Christmas @anon94176359 and @firemonkey - Your one of my favorites on this site. Im alone as well - but im quite happy doing my own thing.
Had a fellow MH sufferer with bi-polar ring me for help this morning, silly bugger OD’d in an attempt to get sectioned last night and was stranded at the hospital - so i had to pay for his taxi.
Ive done him a lamb dinner in a tub - and i think he’s gone to bed.
A few years ago that would have been me - having a meltdown over Xmas.
Im in a position now, i think where i can help others going thru the same distress
@Naarai That was kind of you to do that for him . Christmas can be a hard time for many of us .
It is nice to help others, Christmas can be depressing if one Is alone, I am often alone, but then I have my walks and I may see people whom I know. I think it is nice to write a few journal entries every now and then. In my loneliness I find some time to improve my English by listening to English broadcasts and reading different materials. I am especially interested in the history of the English language, how it has been different during different time periods in the history of the whole Great Britain.
I did my usual Crisis at Christmas . There are people far worse off than me .
Thats nice to hear. I have my own private journal of my thoughts and feelings in a word document that i fill in - i would never share it tho - only parhaps my social worker if she asked.
Its nice thats your learning the history of english - you probably know more than me!
I dont get lonely anymore - infact i prefer my own company. My “Fear of missing out” went sometime ago. Im more of an introspective person now - and im happier for it.
Have a great day Friend. x
Have wife and kid, but no parents for the first time in two decades. This is heaven and the right balance between family and alone.
I managed to stay for Christmas lunch with family despite that there was lots of people.
A touch awkward,uncomfortable but still nice to be with loved ones.
I have spent Christmas alone before when I was delusional.
Wishing you a happy new year
Just back to being alone again. Can’t manage the whole day with people. I’ll go back downstairs after a nap