Anyone alone this xmas?

I’m alone but I really dont know how to feel about it. I’m going to start doing my hair soon that gives me something to do. I spent time with my mom yesterday it was going good until my ex called cussed me out told me I was a bad parent and I dont pay attention to my kids because my 8 year old son decides him and his friends are going to look at porn and my son continues to do it behind my back. Here I am thinking I have an innocent 8 year old who just plays video games and I find out the day before Christmas I’m not ■■■■ I get cussed out called a bad parent who dont watch their kids. How was I suppose to know this these kids look so innocent I just didnt expect it. I was having a real shitty Christmas because I was already depressed and my symptoms were there tried taking my self out to do something fun and this happens I get cussed out told to get out my own house that I still currently own told that I cant have my kids and then told that I’m not ■■■■ plus he rubbed in my face as much as possible how hes living the high life going on vacations but dont want to get the kids 5050 like we discussed. So yea this is my Christmas nothing together in my life kids running about I get cussed out called a bad parent and kicked out of a house I still legally own and I’m alone Christmas day in an apartment my kids destroyed and no matter how much I clean it it’s still dirty. I’ll be happy when I’m finally happy and have a vacation which I haven’t had have a nice clean place my hair has grown out and friends to be around.

Plus finally be able to run fast because I’m slow

Oh yea I dont know how many times I was called a stupid ■■■■■ by him. Oh plus he told me he recorded everything. Then I asked when will you be able to split up the time to get the kid he told me I have to come up with a plan work things out I’m busy. Then had the nerve to say all he would ask me for is child care when I recieve no child support from him. Yea real shitty Christmas.

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home alone myself too…just looking forward til tomorrow ,back to normal then…Christmas can be tough…


I will be alone :chipmunk::chipmunk::chipmunk:


Merry Christmas @GrayBear

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I hope y’all have a good Christmas! No snow here just sunshine.


Thanks you too :snowman_with_snow::snowman_with_snow::snowman_with_snow:


If it helps you can pick a word like “woman” and google “woman etymology”. Etymology is basically the study of the meanings of words and you can google a word in any language. An example:


I have been home alone since Friday, will go to work this Friday so a week alone


I like being alone. When I’m alone my dad doesn’t yell at me.


Merry Christmas to all of you. So sorry about your ex @Sleepy.


Your ex husband needs a kick in the ass. I wouldn’t expect an 8 year old to be looking at porn either. He doesn’t even have hormones yet.

@Sleepy You know there’s a free website called K9 I think and you can block porn sites. My ex husband and I used to use it to keep my daughter from accidentally seeing bad stuff.
PS. I just googled it. It is no longer available thru K9 but I’m sure if you google “content blocker” you’ll find something

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Not sure where you live, but it’s illegal to record someone unless all parties are told so before and agree,
but what a moron if all he did was prove he was an a-hole to you.
Ask him for a copy for your records.

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You’re English is better than most of the natives.


Merry Christmas @anon94176359

Coincidentally, I was browsing YouTube last night and watched some random travel vlog that was about Northern Scotland. I learned there are cute fuzzy ponies and fuzzy cows in Northern Scotland and lots of sheep. :smile:


Yes I really didnt expect that from my son I look at him as being so innocent and hes only 8 it took me by surprise but he said he learned it from a neighbor. I just thought that he was playing games on his playstation and tablet it took me by surprise I was devastated and shocked on top of being disrespected and cussed out. Thanks for you all support

For the longest time, my screen saver was two Scottish ponies in sweaters. It was a campaign they were using to encourage tourism, but the ponies were adorable!

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I wasn’t alone today because I worked my volunteer job at the Wolfe Street Foundation. Today they had a Christmas lunch for everyone.




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