Anyh travel plans in this year

I came back from America in 2002 and I have been in my birth town nearly 18 years, when I was young I travelled a lot (35 different nations and 35 different US states) but not really in these 18 years, sometimes I would like to visit some nations such as Russia, especially Saint Petersburg, but then again I have no motivation and so I may just ride my bicycle here where I am. Bicycling is good exercise, I get some fresh air, maybe see people whom I may know. Well I do not have a passport and I do not really need it in the EU if I have the EU ID card.


I go away once a year with my family.

This year we’re going to Rhodes in September.

We have been there twice before. I like it in Rhodes

It’s a long flight of 4 hours though on a budget airline


I want to hike the Dingle Trail but I don’t know if I will have enough money. :confounded:


I had to use Yahoo to check the Dingle Trail, it is in Ireland, looks very scenic, I hope you can hike this trail, when I was young in America I hiked, nothing very long distance, but one day hiking … hiking is good exercising, fresh air, beautiful landscapes and so on …


I live in USA, I used to love traveling but now I get scared to drive or fly, my daughter lives in Florida with my granddaughter, I miss them so much but because of sc and anxiety I don’t see them much


I’m too scared to travel.
Maybe next year I’ll go on a holiday in England.
That would be nice


We’re thinking of going to Maine this summer.


Tallinn 15151515


Hopefully go to Florida and see my daughter

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