It has been quite cold in this week, one day it was -27 degrees C, I have not been riding my bicycle, too cold for that, how has your weather been in this week?
No kun itekkin asun täällä Suomessa, niin tiiän mitä tarkoitat. Kylmää on ja lunta on perkeleesti. Mut ei se haittaa.
The other day it was very icy and cold
I went sainsburys and I slipped and fell straight on my back bumping my head after one minute shock a man helped me up and I was fine
Do you get snow there where you are? @shellys12
This year so far no snow but sometimes we do
I’ve noticed that our spring and summer time can be really hot these last couple years
Our temperatures may vary between -30 to + 30 degrees C, July in 2018 was very warm, over 25 degrees C almost every day.
I’m in north west UK
Where you
Eastern Finland …
FREE- ZING - COLd 8076
It supposedly snowed a few hours ago but peering through my window I see no evidence of accumulation. We’ve had 2 other snows so far this season which produced minor accumulations. A significant snow is expected with very cold temps next week. I must say that many of you would not be too impressed with what a significant snow amounts to where I live. The temperature is just below freezing right now.
We’ve had a cold snap - by eastern Oklahoma standards. I think it briefly got down to 15 F. It’s supposed to get up to 50 F today.
maybe the salt trucks already passed by and the snow melted?
They are forecasting quite cold temperatures (-27 degree C, -16.6 F) for a next few days. I wait until it is -10 degree C or warmer before I ride my bicycle. 65 days until spring comes.
We have had a mild winter so far, Temp around the 0c mark most days
We have temperatures just below 0C. And a little snow.
But Denmark has such a humid air that the temperature extremes feel even more extreme. The heat is HOT and the cold is COLD. I slept with a blanket under my duvet and I was still freezing.
It feels like the cold goes right through my clothes and into my bones!
When I lived in Norway, the cold only got where there weren’t any clothes, so I’m used to being able to wear multiple layers and be fine.
@Pikasaur nowadays the winter clothes are very warm, I suppose they have designed them so. I have three good winter jackets, but in this winter I have used only one
Our winter here in South Carolina has been extremely rainy. We have had a few days of freezing temperatures but it hasn’t been too bad. Just raining a lot. It’s clear today but the rain is supposed to be back tomorrow, unfortunately.
We had 44c the other day.
thankful for working air conditioning.
It can get cold here winter time .minus even.
I am in Australia now but used to live in Sweden and have experienced minus thirty and wearing long johns,red noses etc
Glad to read you have some good solid clothes.
Keep ya warm.
We are in a heatwave. 30 degrees and above with high humidity. Pretty much have the air con going all day. Out west it’s nasty. 40 plus in some places. We need some decent rain bad. Not any of those showers but some good monsoonal stuff to soak into the ground.
-27 degrees celcius omg I can’t imagine. Here it’s much warmer than tgat but still absolutely cold. London weather. Had to have the heating on during the night.