Any other singles here?

I don’t know I dated in my 20’s but I think those days are behind me. im probably a single for life guy now. if I met a good woman who loved me I would try to make it work with her but I think I would have a hard time having sex frequently. it would pretty much be a sexless relationship. it would just have to be another lonely person who would be ok with not having kids.

my friends wedding is coming up and that would be an opportunity to be social but I don’t know. im just not feeling up to it. I might skip the reception and just go to the wedding and offer my congratulations and well wishes.

I don’t think I could ever do the online dating thing. I don’t know how some do it. that is how my friend met his fiancé.

so for me life will be staying healthy, tending my garden, and staying close to family for a few years. as long as mom and dad are around I won’t get lonely but I anticipate I may have some really depressing times after they pass.

i will probably become more active in church when i get into my 50’s for companionship.

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I hear as people age most marriages end in divorce. So you would t ha e to go through that.

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that’s true. i often feel like if i was in a relationship it would end in divorce. probably for the best.

I’m 16 so… but yeah I couldn’t do it because of paranoia and the feeling of being cheated on.

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I did the marriage thing when I was very, very young. Age 20. It ended in disaster at age 26. Got a divorce. I never want to do it again. I’m getting too old anyway. I’m 59 now. Besides, these meds turn you into a sexless being.

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Single for life here.


I’m 59 and have been single since 1993 or 94. I can’t remember exactly the year now I broke up with my lover (gay).

I’m 33 most likely single for the rest of my life.

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