Any computer addicted junkies on here ???
Lately I’ve been playing strategy games on the pc. I have played some rpg games like pillars of eternity or baldur’s gate enhanced edition. I recently got dishonored though. Too bad none of the games that I play are either good for multiplayer or have it.
I’ve been playing runescape lately, and also Diablo 3 RoS on my new Playstation. I love RPGs!
World of warcraft is fun except hard to learn. Been playing it off and on for 5 years and I still consider myself a newbie
Borrowing a computer atm as need a new one but grew up with FRGP so the switch to computers sucking with social skills was an easy one. Torn as hate bugs in my computer games so refuse to spend money I have little off so still playing NWN1 and 2 and oblivion. As free mods and new adventures are still being made still keeps the game alive and fresh for me.
I have recently played those games. Why didn’t they make spell get stronger as you progress to the epic levels. It makes epic level casters much weaker than they should be.
They sort of do but are caped. Other then that get the epic spells feats for the nwn1 and 2 games.
Well I remember beating mask of the betrayer with a wizard but it seems to be geared toward a person with perfect two weapon fighting with magically augmented weapons that do elemental damage.
They tend to be. Ideally you go through with a tank and get a feel of the game. Wizards are the most powerful characters in frpgs but you really need to play them really well to be effective. One build worth playing to off set it though is The Exalted Sorceress. This is the nwn1 build maybe a nwn2 build which maybe worth looking for. I tend to tune it as I play though and can change spells each level except epic spells.
The last time that I played nwn it crashed and deleted my save file so I stopped playing it. Played it before where it didn’t do that be since it did that to me a couple months ago I haven’t played it since.
Might need fine tuning on the newer OS like windows 10. Worth playing around with though. Lots of support to get them going hardest thing is finding it on the net these days. As few forums still going with support but are a few around.
I got it on a GOG account. Might try to play it again later. I was roleplaying a weapon master cleric before it crashed on me.
Also this isn’t related but I just played Hearts of Iron 4 and Rage quit because I was Fascist America and I invaded mexico who had fewer troops than me. Then they just started spawning troops until they had like 5 times my army size. So a winnable war turned into a lost one.
Should say that I made america fascist in the game I’m not calling america fascist.